Arbejde Finance Business Partner for Procurement - Aarhus unspecified ARLA FOODS AMBA - jobtilbud

id: NDg4MTQ0MCA3

reference: 4881440

documentId: 4881440

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1537505472253

stillingsbetegnelse: Finance Business Partner for Procurement - Aarhus


Can you help create value and growth across our global Procurement organisation? Will you be able to provide our Procurement Leadership Team with strategic financial advice and counselling? If so, you should apply for the vacant position as Finance Business Partner, based from our headquarters in Aarhus.

Join our transformation journey

This is an exciting time to join Arla, as we embark on a transformation journey across our whole organisation. Our Procurement department is strengthening its position towards the global business, through a category based setup and increased number of employees. We are therefore looking to recruit a high calibre Finance Business Partner, to work closely with our Procurement team to help achieve our cost saving expectations.

As financial sparring partner for our Vice President - Procurement and a member of the management team you will have first-hand information on strategic issues. This means that you will provide the management team with analysis on current performance. You use this deep insight to analyse the business targets, revise these when necessary and follow up on the results. This also provides you with a general overview and the opportunity to challenge performance and processes. You set the bar high to improve the bottom line by identifying continuous improvements.

Another one of your important fields of work will be to set new future standards for strategic and financial advice. You will act as advisor on financial and strategic issues, and you make sure that vital knowledge and best practice are shared with relevant stakeholders. You analyse and implement best practices and are accountable for providing all necessary facts, financial analysis and business cases. In this way, you draw attention to the actual situation and contribute to shaping an efficient production. Another key purpose is to create clarity and consistency between the finance organisation and the line of business.
You will enjoy close cooperation with colleagues in our procurement team but also with the wider Supply Chain Finance and Supply Chain teams with projects, analysis, performance management, best practice and other relevant tasks.

Sound business, controlling, accounting and finance acumen

You have a relevant Master’s degree, substantial business controlling competences and know all about finance instruments. You have an acknowledged commercial background with emphasis on controlling, accounting and finance. You have at least two years’ experience from a business-oriented finance function as a Finance Business Partner or similar role. We prefer experience of working with a Procurement function, but other business areas will be considered.

You are used to working in a transformational environment and will be a reliable and passionate ambassador for Arla’s strategy and vision. In addition, you have a curious mind-set that encourages you to investigate new possibilities, and you use your business acumen and analytical mind-set to successfully overcome complex challenges. Lastly, you are able to foster a work environment of trust and respect, and you are comfortable using your personal power and persistency to get your ideas through. Knowledge of SAP is seen as a bonus.

Help improve the everyday life of millions

Please apply before Friday 5 October.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA

source: DK-STAR


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