Arbejde Compliance Analyst unspecified COINIFY ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDgxNDU0OSA3

reference: 4814549

documentId: 4814549

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1535947797523

stillingsbetegnelse: Compliance Analyst


Transform finance as our new Compliance Analyst


At Coinify we are looking to expand our Compliance team with a new Compliance Analyst. Compliance sits at the heart of how we operate and this role will continue to build on the culture of Compliance that is central to the business.


We value no bureaucracy, no bullshit and the ability to do things the proper way.

If you have experience in working in a fast paced payments based environment where being agile, decisive and swift in making Compliance calls is key and want to help us transform the world of finance, apply now!


At Coinify you will….

• Be involved in all phases of developing Coinify’s evolving Compliance program

• Undertake customer and transaction screening through all stages of the customer lifecycle (Onboarding, ongoing KYC, customer exits)

• Contribute to a number of cutting edge projects


As a person, we expect you to…

• Remain highly organised and thrive in an ever-changing environment

• Be enthusiastic and an evangelist for technology as an enabler for effective compliance

• Know that effective compliance starts with culture

• Have a business enabling mindset. We believe Compliance is key differentiator for our business

• Show willingness to take ownership. See something you don’t like? Change it!


We expect you to have experience with

• Conducting risk-based investigations for customer and transaction screening

• Handling highly confidential information

• Working effectively in a team environment as well as accomplishing work assignments under minimal supervision and tight deadlines

• Banking, money service business and money transmission laws and regulations in Denmark and the EU

• Identifying and reporting suspicious activity


Any experience with the following will be a great plus

• Blockchain based technology / Cryptocurrency

• Artificial intelligence / machine learning based transaction monitoring systems

• Contributing to policy / procedure creation


Apply for this position including:

  • Motivation letter
  • CV


This position is open until September 30th 2018. We will be conducting interviews on the ongoing basis. Please make sure to apply today as the position will be closed as soon as we find the right candidate. We look forward to receiving your application.


This is a full-time position located at our Copenhagen office.

numberOfPosts: 1


Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: COINIFY ApS

source: DK-STAR


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