Arbejde Experienced software developer with strong data focus unspecified NEAS ENERGY A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDg2NzcxNyA3

reference: 4867717

documentId: 4867717

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1534930083433

Experienced software developer with strong data focus


Are you interested in working with software development and building a data platform as a foundation for business intelligence and analytics for a growing international business? Do you want to be part of an experienced, competent and agile development team? Do you understand the importance of data availability and trustworthiness? Then we welcome you as our new developer in a growing data foundation team.   

Your role and organization 

In this role you will be part of our scrum team that develops our data platforms used throughout the organization by data scientists and report creators in both IT and the business. In the team we have a very close cooperation with various business teams in Aalborg and London, working on providing high quality data for essential business systems and processes. You will experience a varied work day, with a very short distance from development to production. You will be working with modern technologies together with more than 60 skilled IT colleagues.     

“In Neas Energy data plays a vital role in all our systems and decision processes. We have highly skilled business users creating solutions and visualizations and we understand their dependency on timely and ‘right’ data. The path from idea to implementation is short and it is important that you like a quick pace and diverse tasks that will challenge your skillset” explains team lead and BI consultant in IT Development Mette Lundhøj   

Your background 

  • You have an IT relevant education and many years of development experience
  • You have worked with a wide variety of software development tools 
  • You have experience in working closely with the business users and translating requirements into solutions and you work structured with focus on the right architecture / design
  • You enjoy shifting work task where some days will have a high level of development, while other days will focus more on maintenance and solving problems experienced by the business 

Your competences 

  • You have extensive experience with large databases from e.g. business intelligence or big data solutions and have worked with data modelling and performance optimization
  • You have experience with database development e.g. MS SQL Server
  • You are familiar with C# or just want to develop your skills in that direction
  • You are familiar with ETL processes
  • You speak and write English fluently and enjoy working across different locations 

As a senior developer we expect that you from previous experience will take part in:  

  • Proactively develop the team and the team processes 
  • Act as a role model in the team and develop the team’s technical competencies
  • Influence the solution architecture and ensure a high level of quality in the solutions  

Are you still interested?  

If so, please apply for the position online. Job interviews and recruitment will happen in August.   

We look forward to hearing from you!

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NEAS ENERGY A/S

source: DK-STAR


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