Arbejde Europe, North Africa and Russia (ENAR), IT Support specialist unspecified FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkwNTczNSA3

reference: 4905735

documentId: 4905735

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1542269766743

Europe, North Africa and Russia (ENAR), IT Support specialist


Europe, North Africa and Russia (ENAR), IT Support specialist


Are you looking for a job in a fast-paced environment, where two days are never the same, and where you become part of a hard-working team, with service and technology as some of the keywords in every task? If so, there is a great opportunity for you in FLSmidth.

You can become part of FLSmidth Group Business Solutions and can look forward to joining an international environment, in which you will have lots of dedicated colleagues.

We have employees in the majority of countries around the world – primarily India, Denmark, and USA – and minor local departments with few employees in selected locations

Brief Description

ENAR IT Support specialist , with a flair for customer service.

As IT Customer supporter, your focus will be acting as a great problem solver. You will be part of the Onsite IT team consisting of 20 employees operating across the ENAR region. You will be located together with 6 team members at FLSmidth’s headquarter in Valby.

You will work in a team responsible for delivering a high-quality support service to users of all levels and a diverse range of IT issues. But you should not be afraid to grab a bag and to travel onsite to any location in the ENAR region if the situation requires it.

Our knowledgeable colleagues and external consultants will always be ready to advice, guide and help to overcome any obstacle and to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

You will work in a customer service focused environment where communication with our end-users and interaction with colleagues globally is a big part of the day.

Detailed Description

This position is demanding, and you need to be able to work in numerous areas:

·         Deliver a high level of service to our users

·         Participating in selected projects in close cooperation with the parties involved

·         Documenting solution, changes, problems and daily work

·         Traveling to our locations on a short notice

·         Diagnosing and resolving IT issues on your own and as a part of a team

·         Analyzing, troubleshooting and identifying solutions to resolve system issues


FLSmidth, a dynamic workplace!

Group Business Solutions in FLSmidth has 330 employees to implement and operate IT systems across the globe. We are predominantly hosting and operating systems in-house, augmented by supplier contracts where necessary. We pride ourselves on quick and high-quality deliveries to our Business Units, to fit their dynamic agendas. You will cooperate with IT colleagues all over the world, although most of our IT resources are located in India.

Job Requirements

Who are you?

·         Your educational background is secondary to your practical experience.

·         You have a strong ITIL understanding and business process knowledge

·         Have a high level of documentation skills, including procedural documentation and relevant reports

·         Your track record reflects experience from similar positions, in which you have acquired experience in IT support and Customer Service

·         You have an outgoing personality, a flexible mindset, experience in dealing with customers and have excellent English skills, both orally and written

·         You are not afraid to work hard, to take on different tasks and are dedicated to deliver the best service and support possible

·         You see Europe, north Africa and Russia as your backyard and thrive in traveling alone. 

Additional Details

Our commitment to you
FLSmidth helps build societies all over the world by contributing to the infrastructure needed for global economic growth.

You take off for a career in an international environment in close collaboration with customers, suppliers and colleagues all over the world based on our values: Competence, Co-operation and Responsibility.

Ensuring that safety stays on top of mind is part of FLSmidth’s commitment of being a responsible employer and we focus on developing your talent through ongoing training.

How To Apply

FLSmidth is an international engineering company with an annual turnover of app. EUR 2.4 bn. We are the world’s leading supplier of plants, machinery, services and spare parts to the minerals and cement industry. To maintain our market leading position, we invest massively in technological innovation, R&D and training of our more than 12,100 employees worldwide. Visit for further information on our business and services.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S

source: DK-STAR


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