Arbejde Software Developer with solid C#/.NET expertise unspecified Work Supply IVS - jobtilbud
reference: 4900594
documentId: 4900594
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1541409072403
stillingsbetegnelse: Software Developer with solid C#/.NET expertise
On Behalf of our client, Work supply is searching for Software Developer with solid C#/.NET expertise for Copenhagen/Denmark.
In this challenging position, your tasks and responsibilities consist of developing and implementing high quality software. You will be involved in the whole process from requirement specifications, design and implementation to final test and documentation. Our software is a Windows desktop application created in C#/.NET.
Our client offer you a position, in which you are encouraged to share your views and ideas to achieve an inspiring and creative work environment. We see software development as a team effort – taking pride in the accomplishments made in our team. The team consists of highly skilled developers, and prioritize to keep up to date on the needed skills and technologies. The company use SCRUM and agile methodologies for our daily development process.
You hold a BSc or MSc degree within Software Engineering, Computer Science or equivalent. You have some years of relevant work experience and can tick off the following items:
- You are a C#/.NET developer with solid programming experience.
- You have a broad knowledge about other Microsoft technologies.
- You understand software services and lifecycle processes and strive to ensure constant care for architecture, code base and documentation.
- You have solid experience in the following:
- .NET framework / .NET core / .NET standard
- Visual Studio 2017 + VSTS
- Azure services
- Enterprising architecture and design patterns and principles
- You also have experience with one or more of the following:
- Microsoft IoT services (IoT hub / EventHub / StreamAnalytics, etc.)
- Microsoft AI Platform (Cognitive Services, LUIS, BotFramework, etc.)
- Microsoft Azure ML Studio
- You are fluent in Danish and English, both verbally and in writing.
- And most important: You take pride in your craftsmanship.
You enjoy working with several stakeholders and collaborating closely with your team colleagues. You are a generalist, self-driven and ask into things, challenging solutions and ideas. All in all, you are a team player, comfortable with seeking the optimal solution through a constructive dialogue with others.
Interview and starting date: We take candidates into the recruitment process continuously and close the position down once we have found the right candidates. Start date will be as soon as possible but we are ready to wait for the right candidate.
Please mail your CV to ak (at) as soon as possible (Job ID 1305)
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Work Supply IVS
source: DK-STAR
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