Arbejde Enterprise Information Architect unspecified GN STORE NORD A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4936426
documentId: 4936426
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1548673394090
stillingsbetegnelse: Enterprise Information Architect
Ready to develop the business information management within the GN Group globally?
Step into a vibrant IT hub and help us convert data into a valuable asset. Together with business stakeholders and strong project teams, you will enable us to drive business competitiveness in the future. Want to join us?
Join the GN Group IT department
At GN, we lead major technology shifts with intelligent audio solutions that let our customers hear more, do more and be more than they ever thought possible. Recently, we have established a new enterprise architect function to support the GN Group as it expands.
Thus, enterprise architecture plays a strategic role in understanding and supporting business transformation by ensuring that the IT landscape is capable of supporting new and changing needs. And from our HQ in Ballerup, you will guide us on this transformation journey.
Shape our management of information
Overall, your focus will be to ensure that GN gets full value out of the information and master data we have on our core information like customers, vendors and products. This means that you lead our work in maturing as an organization when it comes to information management, data ownership, data flows and information life cycles to ensure high data quality.
In close collaboration with our enterprise architect for systems and applications, you:
• Develop strategic roadmaps for how investments in technology can support realization of the overall GN strategy
• Coach and train information owners, our BI and Integration team and master data stewards within the Group, providing them with guidance and feedback to ensure that the overall strategies are implemented accordingly
• Provide strategic advice to colleagues, the IT management and our CIO on complex business and technology challenges across all layers of the tech stack
• Ensure compliance and alignment with enterprise architecture principles and that they are applied consistently
Take active part in our transformation journey
Stepping into GN, you will be surrounded by highly skilled colleagues. Together with your EA team, Group IT and information owners, you will help facilitate a culture change where long-term solutions meet the scale of our growing business.
“Essentially, you convert our business/IT strategy into technology that enables us to drive business competitiveness in the future. It is an exciting challenge, and you will leave your mark on the future of the GN Group,” explains Chief Enterprise Architect Thomas Brolin.
Experienced enterprise architect
To succeed in this role, you need solid experience with enterprise information management, hybrid integration platforms and data modelling. You will also need your great communication and stakeholder management skills to motivate others in implementing the new strategies. More specifically, you bring:
• Solid experience (5+ years) as an enterprise architect/information architect
• An understanding of information flows and conceptual and logical data models
• A good understanding of the newest technologies such as advanced analytics, AI and hybrid integration platforms, which will be a focal point in the future
• Solid understanding of enterprise integration patterns and API management
• A background within the medical devices industry, enabling you to understand the compliance framework we work within – but it is no requirement
• Fluency in English
Would you like to know more?
To apply, use the ‘APPLY’ link no later than 11 February 2019. Applications are assessed on a continuous basis, which is why we encourage you to send your application as soon as possible.
If you want to know more about the position, you are welcome to contact Chief Enterprise Architect, Thomas Brolin on +45 4575 0901.
GN Group
The GN Group is a global leader in intelligent audio solutions that let you hear more, do more and be more than you ever thought possible. With our unique competencies within medical, professional and consumer audio solutions, we transform lives through the power of sound.
With world leading expertise in the human ear, sound, wireless technology and miniaturization, GN's audio solutions are marketed by the brands ReSound, Beltone, Interton, Jabra and Blueparrott in 100 countries. Founded in 1869, the GN Group employs more than 5,500 people and is listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (GN.CO).
For the purpose of processing your job application, GN will process your personal data. We encourage you not to provide us with sensitive information about yourself. Your application will be transferred to the local GN office posting this job. For information about how GN processes your personal data, please read our » privacy policy.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GN STORE NORD A/S
source: DK-STAR
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