Arbejde Digital Transformation Specialist unspecified Vestas Wind System A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkyNDcwOSA3

reference: 4924709

documentId: 4924709

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1546511288016

stillingsbetegnelse: Digital Transformation Specialist


Are you ready to join an extensive digital business transformation program which will shape all activities and areas of Vestas' global Service organisation? Do you have experience with leading sales processes, change and implementations globally and are you capable of building collaboration across the wider sales organisation? With a proven global stakeholder engagement, communication and business change capabilities, you may be the person we are looking for.

Vestas CEO > Service > Digital Transformation
Global Process Management is a team of specialists responsible for developing and governing the landscape of service processes, systems and master data, to increase customer satisfaction and operational efficiency. Best practices are leveraged from across the global service business, the wider Vestas organisation and other industries.

The commercial business areas of Maintenance, Parts & Repair and Fleet Optimisation have aggressive growth plans which require specialist knowledge and experience to operationalise into efficient processes which delight our Customers.

You will be responsible for shaping activities in all areas of the Service business to reflect commercial priorities. Through identification, scoping and implementation of improvement initiatives and projects, you will drive the embedment of a lifetime, fleet-wide commercial mindset across the organisation.

In addition to specific project deliverables, you are to ensure collaboration is built across the wider service organisation - through effective stakeholder management and sustainable global solution implementations.

This requires someone with the skill to project manage large strategic change projects, whilst also driving smaller scope operational improvements, through the Business Process Management communities.

A strong general knowledge of Service Sales is a pre-requisite, with an ability to see strategically and implement operationally.

This role will work closely with the Vice President for Global Service Sales, and be co-located within the Global Service Sales team in Copenhagen. Drawing on your previous experience, and continuous monitoring of service sales best practices, you will be expected to drive change and influence the direction of the Service Sales business.

Example of operational responsibilities include:

  • Define and drive a roadmap of process improvements, in collaboration with interfacing business process specialists.
  • Define business requirements into Global IT development projects, to ensure system workflows support commercial targets...

The right candidate has worked in a similar role, and/or as a commercial management consultant.
We expect you have:

  • About 7 years of experience leading sales process change implementations globally
  • Excellent communication skills in English, written and verbal
  • Managed large projects with multiple global stakeholder groups
  • Furthermore, it is an advantage if you have:
  • Worked with Service Sales in an engineering industry.
  • Customer or Contract Management experience.

We are looking for a candidate who:

  • Values collaboration, and can apply cultural awareness
  • Is able to communicate in a confident and concise manner
  • Is willing to work on local time to assist global colleagues where needed
  • Is able to take accountability, working proactively to identify what needs to be done and delivering reliably to deadlines.
  • Works calmly under pressure, with a solution-driven mindset.

What we offer

You will contribute to developing a high-performing and high-paced team in a global environment. You will have great impact and influence on the profitability and development of our business. For the right candidate this position will be a platform for further professional and leadership development in a global organisation.

Additional information

Primary location will be Copenhagen Denmark. But Aarhus or Hamburg could also be an option.

Travel to be expected, approx. 20 days per year.

For additional information on the position, please contact: Process Improvement Partner, Marianne Brokdorff Bendtsen at +45 2512 4852.


About Vestas

Vestas is the energy industry's global partner on sustainable energy solutions. We design, manufacture, install, and service wind turbines across the globe, and with 97 GW of wind turbines in 79 countries, we have installed more wind power than anyone else.

Through our industry-leading smart data capabilities and unparalleled 83 GW of wind turbines under service, we use data to interpret, forecast, and exploit wind resources and deliver best-in-class wind power solutions. Together with our customers, Vestas' more than 24,400 employees are bringing the world sustainable energy solutions to power a bright future.

We invite you to learn more about Vestas by visiting our website at and following us on our social media channels.


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind System A/S

source: DK-STAR


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