Arbejde International Sales Representative - Scanavo A/S – Beauty & Cosmetics unspecified SCANPEOPLE ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4891620
documentId: 4891620
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1539333783723
International Sales Representative - Scanavo A/S – Beauty & Cosmetics
ScanPeople is hiring an International Sales Representative for the French market on behalf of Scanavo A/S – Beauty & Cosmetics-division.
Scanavo A/S is a Danish Packaging company with an international reach. Scanavo is among the world’s leaders in media packaging and branding. Scanavo’s unique concepts are sold through Scanavo’s offices in Europe, Asia and North America, to the world’s leading producers of movies, games and music – including the major Hollywood-studios. For the past few years, Scanavo has channelized into selling packaging for the Beauty and Cosmetics-industry and this division is a growing part of Scanavo’s business. For more information, see
Beauty & Cosmetic Division
We develop, design and bring to market great innovative packaging to the Beauty & Cosmetics industry. You will be a part of a small team of 4 people in the division, who closely cooperate with our Hong Kong office in the development process.
About the job
We are seeking to recruit an International Sales Representative for generation and development of new and existing business opportunities with international clients.
The successful candidate will be a credible international sales professional, ideally with experience from some of our business areas and with knowledge of the market place. Responsible for your own lead generation, appointment setting, proposal development and presentation, you will pro-actively manage the international sales for Scanavo Beauty & Cosmetics-division.
The core of the role includes all aspects of the international sales and business development process, focused on building new business relationships, as well as building on existing success already in place. You will be reporting to the Head of Sales.
Primary Focus
- Build new major business opportunities in France and Germany by sales canvassing.
- Develop, implement and manage sales and relationships with new clients.
- Negotiate and close business to exceed targets by being in regular telephonic and face to face contact with clients.
- Generate leads through market and client-research.
- Be able to break into medium to large organisations at different levels.
- Manage and be part of all processes of a typical sales cycle from A-Z.
- Monitor competitor activity and market dynamics.
- Recognise and recommend improvements to existing processes to improve revenue performance.
Scanavo offers you:
- A challenging, international job in a dynamic and informal environment with committed colleagues.
- An opportunity to rise to the challenge and develop your own accounts in a very attractive and progressive industry and be part of developing and growing this new division with energetic and inspirational teammates.
- Health insurance, pension scheme and a lunch arrangement.
Personality and experience
- You are inspiring, persuasive and convincing in your behavior.
- You thrive with sales canvassing, cold calling and booking meetings on the phone.
- You are outgoing, energetic and able to work independently as well as in a team.
- You are persistent and have 2-3 years of sales experience within B2B and concept sales.
- Knowledge from related industry is an advantage, but not required.
Educational background
Graduation from a business school is preferred. Academic educations are not required.
It is essential that you master English fluently and an absolute advantage if you speak and write French or German at an advanced level. Speaking and writing another European language will be an absolute advantage.
Travel Activity
Approximately 40 - 50 days a year.
As soon as possible, but we will wait for the right candidate.
If you can relate to the above and you are ready for new challenges, please send your CV and application by email to Info (at) – For more information, please contact Liselotte Schwanenflügel Jensen or Flemming Juliussen by telephone or e-mail - or see more at
Telephone: +45 (Country Code) 43 31 00 71
E-mail: info (at)
numberOfPosts: 1
Send ansøgning på en af de angivne kommunikationskanaler
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SCANPEOPLE ApS
source: DK-STAR
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