Arbejde Be a part of an exciting journey unspecified Cobiro ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4966778
documentId: 4966778
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1553783413843
stillingsbetegnelse: Be a part of an exciting journey
At Cobiro we're using machine learning and AI to build the next generation of online advertising experiences. We're on a mission to make online marketing accessible, trivial and high-performing for everyone, and we're starting with Google Ads.
Working at Cobiro, you’ll join a flat and agile organisation where bright ideas are appreciated and implemented regardless of seniority or area of specialization. We’re ambitious and work hard, but also know how to let loose and celebrate our accomplishments. At Cobiro you will meet different nationalities and personalities. We have common denominators: We are self-starters and team-players, love to solve problems, and we create high quality solutions.
We offer:
- Flexible working hours
- An agile work environment
- Focus on quality solutions
- Options to attend relevant courses and conferences
- A team of passionate, skilled and experienced colleagues
- All the gear and food you need: breakfast on Fridays, lunch every day, sodas, sparkling water, fruit, vegetables, sweets...
- Frequent social company activities, Friday bar included
- Good working equipment
- A great working location at Esplanaden, Central Copenhagen
Office Manager / PA
The Opportunity
You will be joining an interesting and lively start-up company, where you will be responsible for the efficient functioning of the office through a range of administrative and operational tasks.
Excellent communication (fluency in Danish and English, spoken and written) and organisation skills come naturally to you and you will be able to contribute to a thriving and functioning workplace that is able to succeed in it’s goal of building the next generation of online advertising experiences.
The ideal candidate for this role will have relevant experience working as an Office Manager and PA / Assistant. Ideally you will have experience working in a start-up and thrive working in a exciting and fast-paced environment.
- Making sure the office runs smoothly: ordering supplies and food, dealing with suppliers, buying and setting up breakfast on Fridays, arranging the Friday bar, organising events, etc.
- If necessary, taking a trip to IKEA and setting up the furniture
- Maintaining the office environment tidy and clean and arranging necessary repairs by contacting facility management vendors e.g. cleaning and catering
- Booking flights, assisting the management with ad-hoc tasks, preparing expenses and receipts, basic bookkeeping tasks.
How to apply?
We are looking forward to receiving your application through our application system - simply click on "Apply for this job" and attach your CV and/or Linkedin account.
You will always get a reply when applying through our system.
We want to give all applicants the same opportunity, please note that personal mails to individuals of Cobiro can potentially get lost and will not be viewed as an official application.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Cobiro ApS
source: DK-STAR
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