Arbejde International Category Manager, Indirect Purchase for Marketing and Finance unspecified GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4940907
documentId: 4940907
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1549367286733
International Category Manager, Indirect Purchase for Marketing and Finance
Are you an experienced negotiator within Marketing and Financial services? Then here is your opportunity to become our new Category Manager in Grundfos Indirect Purchase.
What do we offer?
Do you have experience with negotiating and designing global contracts with indirect suppliers related to the areas of Marketing and Finance? Here is your chance to gain an international network and be our lead negotiator and driver of defining future supplier concepts in a global organisation. You get to work across cultures and companies to influence our future sourcing strategy and take responsibility for the portfolio of indirect suppliers related to the areas of Marketing and Finance. This covers marketing agencies, translation, printed materials and advertising, as well as suppliers of financial and legal services, financial reporting and insurance.
You will join the team Indirect Purchase, where we are currently 9 colleagues responsible for sourcing of indirect products and services. We are part of a Global Purchase and the majority of the Indirect Purchasing team is based on Denmark, two colleagues are based on Hungary and one in Germany. Other Purchasing colleagues are also based at various locations around Europe. In Indirect Purchase, you join an ambitious team, where your effort and ability to create results makes a difference and has a direct business impact. You refer to Purchase Manager, Indirect Purchase, Ninna Normand Helles, who is also based in Denmark.
“We are a team with ambitions to take Indirect Purchase to an even higher level. We strive to improve our processes, and we are proud of adding value to the business of Grundfos by ensuring optimal prices and commercial terms. Everything we do is centred around partnerships and competitiveness, and we work closely together with internal stakeholders,” Ninna says.
What is the job about?
As Indirect Category Manager for Marketing and Finance, you will be responsible for development and execution of the strategy for suppliers and supplier concepts related to these business areas. To do this you need to work closely together with key stakeholders in Group Marketing and Group Finance, as well as with local indirect purchasers and stakeholders in our production and sales companies.
It is your responsibility to:
- Ensure an optimal supplier portfolio
- Identify cost optimization opportunities both locally, regionally and globally
- Execute cost optimization projects at regional and global level
- Support cost optimization projects locally
- Consolidated suppliers and to challenge existing structures and solutions
- Identify concepts and execute to ensure implementation
- Continuously optimize cost, commercial terms and supplier structures
Moreover, you identify main cost drivers and conduct relevant benchmarks, just as you analyse spending to identify savings potential and to consider and compare total cost scenarios.
To succeed in this position requires close co-operation with internal stakeholders, who, knows the business strategy for their business units and therefore defines the requirements and demands. It is therefore important for you to understanding those business strategies, needs and requirements, while you also have the courage, knowledge and foundation to challenge internal stakeholder, concerning habits, existing solutions and concepts.
Your primary supplier portfolio will consist of suppliers providing various services or offerings to Grundfos related to Marketing and Finance. This could be marketing agencies, translation, printed materials and advertising, as well as suppliers of financial and legal services, financial reporting and insurance.
You will act as a Business Partner for the business area, managing and optimizing the supplier portfolio business related to your sourcing area.
“It is important that you continuously follow the trends and market development within your area of responsibility to be able to consider relevant benchmarks, market trends and cost drivers. Also, you need to be able to challenge both internal stakeholders and suppliers and be ambitious when you negotiate,” Ninna explains.
What do you need to apply?
- You have extensive experience from a similar positions in other international companies, where you have gained extensive knowledge of both supplier structures and concepts.
- You are used to work in an international environment and to optimize both suppliers and processes across organizational units.
- You have a relevant commercial master or bachelor degree combined with at least 5 years of experience as lead negotiator and see yourself as a well founded Sourcing professional.
- You are a skilled and confident negotiator with experience from an international organisation, and have experience with managing in international supplier portfolio.
- You are an expert within use of e-sourcing tools and understand how to balance the use of these with other means of communication.
- You aim at creating results and do not settle with least acceptable and dare to challenge existing concepts and solutions.
- You have experience with defining and execution of sourcing strategies.
- You are good at building and developing relations and you dare to challenge previous beliefs and traditions, if it can lead to new and unexplored opportunities beneficial to Grundfos.
- You speak and write English at professional negotiation level.
“Your experience enables you to work independently as well as think analytically, and it gives you the confidence to negotiate at a strategic level while being diplomatic and constructive, yet firm. You are used to collaborating across functional and organisational levels, and you are able to prioritise during a busy day. Finally, you easily develop and maintain trustworthy relationships, and you remain structured with a focus on getting things done,” Ninna finishes.
Additional information
If you have questions or want to know more about the position, please contact Purchase Manager, Indirect Purchase, Ninna Normand Helles on +45 51 16 65 44. The position is located at our headquarters in Bjerringbro.
If this job sounds appealing to you, please send your resume and cover letter today and no later than February 15th, 2019 by clicking on the link “Apply”. Interviews will be planned as soon as possible.
We look forward to hearing from you.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S
source: DK-STAR
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