Arbejde Associate Professor or Professor with Special Responsibilities in International Law or European Law with Focus on International Courts unspecified KU - JUR - Fakultetet, Co Søndre Campus - jobtilbud
reference: 4927642
documentId: 4927642
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1547024942870
Associate Professor or Professor with Special Responsibilities in International Law or European Law with Focus on International Courts
Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen
The Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, is seeking applications for a position as Associate Professor or Professor with Special Responsibilities (Professor MSO) in the areas of international law and/or European law with focus on the international and/or legal order and its institutions. The position includes research-, teaching- and administrative responsibilities. The position is available from 1 July 2019 or as soon as possible.
The Associate Professor or Professor MSO will be affiliated with iCourts – the Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre of Excellence for International Courts, which is a research centre at the Faculty of Law
The appointment as Associate Professor is permanent. A position as Professor MSO is a 5-year appointment with the possibility of extension for up to 3 years. On expiry of the professorship period, the appointee is offered employment and remuneration as Associate Professor.
The position
The Associate Professor’s or Professor MSO’s primary duties include research and teaching, supervision of students and PhD students, participation in examinations, and administrative tasks in relation to bachelor -, graduate - and PhD studies. The Associate Professor or Professor MSO is expected to publish results of their in/with internationally highly recognised journals/publishers, exchange knowledge with relevant parts of the surrounding society, and contribute to the academic development of the research area and related study programmes for the benefit of society and the legal profession. Other obligations may include research leadership, applications for research funding, educational guidance and supervision as well as academic evaluations. The Associate Professor or Professor is obliged to continuously develop and maintain their competencies in teaching and education. Other obligations may be added as stipulated by the Faculty.
Required qualifications
The applicant must be able to document scientific qualifications at the highest international level and ability to engage in an interdisciplinary research environment related to the study of international courts and other institutions of the international legal order. Emphasis will also be placed on the applicant’s experience with attracting and managing research grants and a high level of teaching qualifications, including qualifications in the development of research based teaching within the field of international or European law in accordance with the faculty’s strategy and principles for the law study programmes.
If the candidate chosen for the position has not yet participated in a pedagogical course for Assistant Professors which includes a written assessment and supervision of the candidate's teaching, the appointment might be conditioned on a trial period of up to 18 months until the required course has been completed.
The faculty will put emphasis on the extent and quality of the applicant’s documented ability to conduct and publish research at the highest international level within the area of international law or European law, particularly with respect to international courts or other institutions of the international and European legal order. Emphasis will also be put on the applicant’s ability to use empirical methods in the study of the European and/or international legal order system. The faculty recommends that applicants familiarize themselves with iCourts’ research methods and projects in this regard before applying – see Applicants are also recommended to familiarize themselves with the faculty’s principles for research based teaching.
Since the position is permanent, academic staff with little or no knowledge of written and oral Danish (or another Scandinavian language) is over time expected to acquire skills in Danish that enables teaching law in Danish. The Faculty actively supports the effort to learn Danish.
For more information, applicants are encouraged to read the memorandum “Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities 2013” as well as the “Guide to appointment of permanent academic staff at the Faculty of Law”.
Applicants are also encouraged to familiarize themselves with the study programmes and the various courses in these, which are currently offered by the Faculty
Salary and terms of employment as Associate Professor
The appointment is permanent and will be made in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikernes Centralorganisation, AC). In addition to the basic salary, you will receive an annual supplement of DKK 95,780 (as of October 1, 2018). In addition to this, a total contribution to your pension fund equal to 17.1% of your salary and annual supplement is paid. It is possible to negotiate salary supplements.
Salary and terms of employment as Professor MSO
The appointment is a permanent position covered by the agreement between the Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (Akademikernes Centralorganisation, AC). In addition to the basic salary, you will receive two annual supplement of DKK 186,507 (as of October 1, 2018) and DKK 55,253 (as of October 1, 2018). In addition to this, a total contribution to your pension fund equal to 17.1% of your salary and annual supplement is paid. It is possible to negotiate salary supplements.
When applying you MUST indicate if you apply for the position as Associate Professor or Professor MSO.
The letter of motivation, appendixes and the submitted scientific publications, incl. papers, articles and books, must be written in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian or English.
The application MUST include the following 8 elements:
1.Application / letter of motivation
2.Curriculum vitae
3.Documentation of qualifications (degrees/diplomas, etc.)
4.Complete numbered list of publications
5.Teaching portfolio including documentation for teaching qualifications as well as the applicant's plan for anchoring the field of research broadly it the faculty’s study programmes. The Faculty expects that applicants reflect carefully on how to develop the field’s role in the Faculty’s study programmes. For more information regarding the expected contents of the teaching portfolio, applicants are encouraged to read the University guidelines for teaching portfolios when appointing academic staff at the University of Copenhagen.
6.Research plan containing contribution to iCourts’ research agenda (see:, an outline of planned research activities, including publications plans and plans for applications for external funding, and a abstractJV_description of the applicant’s skills to contribute to research in one or more of the Faculty's research centres and environments, including how research can benefit the students in one or more of the Faculty's programmes.
7.Associate Professor: A maximum of five (5) scientific publications that the applicant wishes to have included in the assessment, of which no more than two (2) may be monographs. Applicants, who have written a PhD thesis or equivalent, must always submit the complete thesis and the written assessment of the thesis as a part of submitted publications. The submitted research publications must be written in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian or English
Professor MSO: A maximum of seven (7) scientific publications that the applicant wishes to have included in the assessment, of which no more than three (3) may be monographs. Applicants, who have written a PhD thesis or equivalent, must always submit the complete thesis and the written assessment of the thesis as a part of submitted publications. The submitted research publications must be written in Danish, Swedish, Norwegian or English.
8.If submitting work where the applicant has been a co-author, a signed co-author declaration, which addresses the applicant's share of these works, must be submitted. Material that has not yet published can be submitted. However, please indicate if this is the case.
In addition to the material, which the applicant wishes to include in the assessment, the Assessment Committee may require further material for the assessment of the applicant. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide such supplementary material should this be requested.
Application procedure
Upload the application and appendix and the submitted scientific publications using the link below. Please note that you MUST indicate if you apply for the position as Associate Professor or Professor MSO. We advise you to have the above mentioned documents ready before you begin to fill out your online application, and it is essential that all required documents are enclosed.
Applications must be addressed to the Dean.
An automatically generated message is sent out acknowledging receipt of the uploaded application.
Applicants will be kept informed about the process of the application procedure on a regular basis via email.
Following the application deadline, the Dean selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Appointments Committee. Applicants are selected on the basis of an overall assessment of the applicants that best match the recruitment needs of the Faculty as described in this advertisement for the post. This is compared with the applicant's research and teaching profile as set out in the application, CV incl. list of publication, teaching portfolio and any research/development plan. All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment by an expert Assessment Committee. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee. When the committee has completed its assessment, each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant.
According to the University of Copenhagen’s “Action Plan for Career, Gender and Quality – Equal Opportunities in Research and Management” there is to be at least one applicant of each gender before a position can be filled.
University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the surrounding society and therefore encourages all interested parties regardless of personal background to apply for the position.
For further information about the position’s academic content, please contact Director of iCourts, Professor Mikael Rask Madsen Mikael.Madsen (at) For further information on the process please contact academic officer Michael Pieper, phone +45 35 33 76 09, e-mail: hrsc (at) please refer to ID number 9131.
Application deadline
The application must be uploaded by 12 February 2019 23:59 GMT+1.
Applications received after the deadline has expired will not be accepted.
If your application does not include all the required supporting documents your application will be rejected and will not be considered by the assessment committee.
The Faculty of Law is one of six faculties at the University of Copenhagen. The Faculty carries out research, education and knowledge dissemination within the area of law. Research is partly organized in research centers and groups with focus on thematic areas of interest. The Faculty employs about 95 full time researchers and approx. 55 PhD students as well as approx. 70 administrative staff members. In addition, approx. 400 part-time lecturers teach on the legal programs on which approx. 4,800 students are enrolled. See the Faculty website: for more information.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: KU - JUR - Fakultetet, Co Søndre Campus
source: DK-STAR
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