Arbejde Assistant Professor in Multi-Material 3D Printing and Tissue Engineering unspecified Danmarks Tekniske Universitet - jobtilbud
Legepladserreference: 4971411
documentId: 4971411
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1554467414690
Assistant Professor in Multi-Material 3D Printing and Tissue Engineering
DTU Health Technology at the Technical University of Denmark invites applications for a position as Assistant Professor within multi-material 3D printing and tissue engineering. The assistant professorship is a permanent entry-level faculty position.
DTU Health Technology wishes to strengthen the activities within additive manufacturing, in particular focusing on developing new materials and solutions for tissue engineering and in vitro bio-devices, including micro-physiological systems.
The research areas of the position are multi-material extrusion-based 3D printing, (bio)-materials engineering and tissue engineering.
Responsibilities and tasks
We seek an Assistant Professor that can undertake a leading research role within the following areas:
- Development of new functional and biocompatible print materials for extrusion-based 3D printing
- 3D printed, sensor-instrumented micro-physiological systems
- Engineered mammalian tissue models for drug safety and disease modelling purposes
The candidate is expected to have an active role in the teaching curriculum at DTU, as well as to also take active part in teaching and supervision of undergraduate and graduate students.
As Assistant Professor, you are expected to collaborate with colleagues within the department as well as at other DTU departments. You are expected to develop strong external relations with universities and industry, nationally and internationally. Furthermore, you are expected to strive for scientific excellence within your field.
The candidate must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent) and some years of postdoctoral training. The ideal candidate will have a strong background within materials science along with documented experience within mammalian tissue models.
The successful candidate has a strong scientific record of accomplishment and documented experience in the stated research fields, including extrusion-based multi-material 3D printing. Experience in in vitro human stem cell-derived tissue models and instrumented microphysiological systems is considered beneficial. The candidate must hold international experience and demonstrations of research achievements at the highest international level. The candidate must be able to attract independent research funding. Innovation activities such as awarded patents and the licensing of these to private companies will further be considered highly advantageous.
It is considered important that the candidate is open, collaborative and has a positive approach to challenges, as well as teaching and supervision of students.
In the assessment of the candidates, consideration will be given to:
- Experience and quality of teaching
- Research experience
- Research vision and potential
- Societal impact
- Documented innovation activities, including commercialization and collaboration with industry
- International experience
- Internal and external collaboration
- Communication skills
We offer
DTU is a leading technical university globally recognized for the excellence of its research, education, innovation and scientific advice. We offer a rewarding and challenging job in an international environment. We strive for academic excellence in an environment characterized by collegial respect and academic freedom tempered by responsibility.
Salary and terms of employment
The appointment will be based on the collective agreement with the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations. The allowance will be agreed upon with the relevant union.
An assistant professorship is a permanent entry-level faculty position. After a maximum of 4 years, an assistant professor can be promoted to an associate professor position after assessment. More information can be found here: Career paths at DTU.
Further information
Further information concerning the position may be obtained from Professor Thomas L. Andresen, tlan (at), +45 25 37 44 86.
Application procedure
Please submit your online application no later than 22 April 2019 (local time). Applications must be submitted as one PDF file containing all materials to be given consideration. To apply, please open the link "Apply online", fill out the online application form, and attach all your materials in English in one PDF file. The file must include:
- Application (cover letter)
- CV
- Views regarding teaching and research based on the 'Assessment' bullets
- Documentation of previous teaching and research based on the 'Assessment' bullets
- List of publications
- H-index, and ORCID (see e.g.
- Diploma (MSc/PhD)
Applications and enclosures received after the deadline will not be considered.
All interested candidates irrespective of age, gender, disability, race, religion or ethnic background are encouraged to apply.
DTU Health Tech engages in research, education, and innovation base on technical and natural science for the healthcare sector. The Healthcare sector is a globally expanding market with demands for the most advanced technological solutions. DTU Health Tech creates the foundation for companies to develop new and innovative services and products which benefit people and create value for society. DTU Health Techs expertise spans from imaging and biosensor techniques, across digital health and biological modelling, to biopharma technologies.
DTU is a technical university providing internationally leading research, education, innovation and scientific advice. Our staff of 6,000 advance science and technology to create innovative solutions that meet the demands of society, and our 11,200 students are being educated to address the technological challenges of the future. DTU is an independent academic university collaborating globally with business, industry, government and public agencies.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
source: DK-STAR
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