Arbejde Agile Software Tester unspecified KAMSTRUP A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 5024289
documentId: 5024289
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1564576248610
stillingsbetegnelse: Agile Software Tester
Do you have experience with and are passionate about agile Quality Assurance (QA) processes and Agile Software Development? Do you want to help improve our product quality by inspire and hands on testing together with our agile cross-functional team? Would you like to become a part of an international company in rapid growth?
Become a part of our ambitious Data Analytics team
Kamstrup is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of intelligent solutions of energy and water consumption with production, administration and development gathered at the headquarter in Stilling, south of Aarhus. Due to our rapid growth, we are looking for an Agile Software Tester to join our Data Analytics team.
As our new Agile Software Tester, you will become a part of the cross-functional team that consists of 25 people, with backgrounds as Software Developers, Software testers, User Experience Designers and Data scientists. The team is divided in three smaller teams, where one of them is placed in Malaga. Together, we are building a new web-based analytics platform for our utility customers. Our goal is to make it possible for our customers to optimize the distribution of energy and water based on data-driven decisions.
We strive to create highly agile development and we have an experimental approach in our daily jobs. Therefore, you will become a part of an environment, where we share knowledge and learn through experimentation.
A job with focus on Quality Assurance
In the job as Agile Software Tester, you will become a central player in obtaining high quality product deliveries. Your primary role is to help your colleagues deliver quality by testing the software and helping developers in making more testable code.
You will be working with both manually testing and test automation, so we can succeed in mastering continuous delivery.
In your daily job, you work as an integrated part of a given scrum team, but with tight relation to other tester in the organization.
In the job, you can expect around 10-15 travel days a year.
Your personality matters
We are looking for a structured person, who meets deadlines and acts as a trustworthy business partner. However, you are also curious and therefore you always seek for new ways and processes of getting the job done. You are performing well in environments where time is limited, and the next release is just around the corner.
It is a requirement that you:
- Have a relevant background in computer science BSc etc.
- Have minimum 5 years of experience within agile QA processes or agile development
- Have experience with QA processes in a team that succeeded with continuous delivery
- Speak and write English fluently
We offer more than just a job
We offer you a position in a growing Danish company with great responsibility and a unique chance to set the direction for the management of QA. You will be a part of a learning environment where sparring and experimentation is in focus, and with great chances to improve your personal skills.
We offer flexible working hours and numerous employee benefits, counting a healthy canteen, free fruit, fitness facilities, in-house dental clinic, hairdresser and a free health clinic. Moreover, we have an active employee association.
Do you want to be a part of Kamstrup?
Please submit your application by using the link below. Applications are reviewed on a continuous basis, but you can expect a response within six weeks.
About Kamstrup
Kamstrup develops and manufactures innovative solutions for measuring energy and water consumption. Kamstrup is the world's leading manufacturer of advanced and innovative equipment for the district heating sector and is one of the leading European suppliers of smart meters and other equipment for the electricity sector.Kamstrup has over 1400 employees in more than 20 countries with headquarters in Denmark. Kamstrup has a healthy economy, high growth rates and a strong focus on development of technology and staff. You can read more about Kamstrup on our website. You can also follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook, to be updated on latest news and vacant positions.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: KAMSTRUP A/S
source: DK-STAR
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