Jobs Copenhagen Business School - jobtilbud
På TRY kan du finde alle jobtilbud fra Copenhagen Business School, hvilke er tilgængelige på dette tidspunkt i Danmark. Du kan se 7 jobtilbud Copenhagen Business School.
Post doc on Creative and Cultural Industries in Africa -
Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a vacant post doc position at the Department of Management, Society and Communication (MSC). The post doc is part of a collaborative research project ‘Advancing Creative Industries for Development in Ghana’ funded by a research grant from the Ministry
Copenhagen Business School - 2019-02-26 - unspecified
Medarbejder til betjentfunktionen på CBS -
Copenhagen Business School (CBS) søger til tiltrædelse pr. 1. maj 2019 en medarbejder til betjentfunktionen. Organisatorisk er betjentfunktionen placeret i Campus Services (CS), Afdeling for Betjente, Information og Sikkerhed. Der er i alt 17 fastansatte betjente på CBS. Disse arbejder opgaveorienteret
Copenhagen Business School - 2019-02-21 - unspecified
CBS HR søger en studentermedhjælper til International Support -
Har du lyst til at prøve kræfter med HR-administration på et dynamisk og internationalt orienteret universitet? Så kan vi tilbyde dig et lærerigt, udfordrende og afvekslende studiejob i et miljø med gode kolleger.Stillingens indhold Du vil sammen med 22 kollegaer i HR varetage opgaver inden for
Copenhagen Business School - 2019-02-19 - unspecified
Two PhD Scholarships in the Field of Marketing at the Department of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School -
Based in architecturally beautiful buildings in central Copenhagen, the Department of Marketing is a leading provider of excellent research-based education. This is an exciting time for us, as we celebrated our 100th anniversary only two years ago. Our newly revised strategy is unashamedly ambitious.
Copenhagen Business School - 2019-02-05 - unspecified
Professorship with special responsibilities in International Business -
Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a vacant Professorship with special responsibilities in International Business at the department of International Economics, Government and Business (EGB). Core research areas of the Department of International Economics, Government and Business bring
Copenhagen Business School - 2019-02-01 - unspecified
PhD scholarship in Digitalization, 145166 -
Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a number of vacant PhD scholarships within the field of Digitalization. The Department of Digitalization cares about the interaction of people, data and technology in all of its manifestations. We study how individuals, groups, organizations and society
Copenhagen Business School - 2019-01-30 - unspecified
Professor in Organizational Philosophy -
Professorship in Organizational Philosophy at Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy Copenhagen Business School invites applications for a position at the Full Professor level in Organizational Philosophy at Department of Management, Politics and Philosophy (MPP). Profile of MPP In announcing
Copenhagen Business School - 2018-11-24 - unspecified