Arbejde Two System and Application Architects for \"Application, Web and Cloud architecture\" unspecified SENNHEISER COMMUNICATIONS A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkzMjcyOSA3

reference: 4932729

documentId: 4932729

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1547806717366

Two System and Application Architects for "Application, Web and Cloud architecture"


Every day, thousands of people make calls, play games or listen to music with one of our best-in-class headsets and audio devices. Software is essential to make this happen and we are now searching two new colleagues to join our “Application, Web and Cloud Architecture” team.


About being an architect at Sennheiser Communications

As System & Application Architect, you will become part of a team responsible for developing all high-level desktop, cloud and mobile solutions, as well as everything else that is not part of the embedded software development. The team is small but growing: You will work alongside two other architects, our skilled product owners, and a few consultants whenever we need specialized knowledge.


You will become part of an exciting journey, on which we are venturing into loads of new fields and technologies (e.g. data mining, AI, machine learning, gaming etc.) as well as integrating our software with many partners. We are walking a lot of untrodden paths, and we need you to help design our future!


Being an architect, you will also become a member of the cross disciplinary architect group. As we both do hardware, embedded software and DSP development and develop end-to-end solutions (not components), architects align on a frequent basis. For high level software development, we are working closely together with our offshore partner. We visit often and are constantly in touch. For you, this means that we can execute swiftly and that you will be able to see the broader picture.


The positions

We are looking to hire two colleagues, each with a different focus:


Position 1: Agent Software, Thin Client and Gaming

You will start working on our software HeadSetupPro and Gaming software. Focus is on device management/setup, Thin Client and Gaming. In this area it is a plus if you have knowledge about Thin Clients, vendors and related development, as that will be a main part of your work.


Position 2: Call Control.

Our headsets are used in countless call centers and companies with different softphones (e.g. Skype, Twillio), which all need to connect to the buttons of the headsets (Call Control). In this area it is a plus if you have thorough knowledge of Javascript, websockets and related web development technologies, and best-practices needed for integration.



  • Working in close relation with our other architects (embedded SW, DSP, etc.) to secure optimal end-to-end solutions
  • Maintenance of architecture in existing and future applications (Cloud, Web & Desktop applications)
  • Development and maintenance of working methods, processes and tools that ensure an efficient collaboration with our colleagues in India
  • Research & experimentation in new fields to stay ahead of the technological news
  • Technical interface between Product Management and the Scrum team
  • Architectural and code reviews


Required qualifications

To thrive in these positions, you ideally have the following experience and skills:

  • 5-10 years of work experience with desktop, web and cloud application development/architecture
  • Experience in architecture for distributed systems
  • Strong experience with both Windows and Web based applications
  • Development experience in C++ and possibly C#
  • Knowledge of essential script languages (Powershell, Python or similar)
  • Proven track record with Agile development
  • Good communication skills in English (work language is English)
  • Background as developer - to make designs for developers, you need to have walked in their shoes


Desired qualifications

  • Even better if you also have some of the following experience and skills:

  • Actively search out development patterns and best-practices
  • Knowledge of product development (physical devices)
  • Experience in collaborating with offshore teams
  • Knowledge about Big data, data mining and IoT
  • Inter-process/program communications
  • Mac and Linux development
  • Experience with coding either React or Angular


Application and contact

We look forward to receiving your application, and will be interviewing ongoing, so send your CV and cover letter today. The vacancy will be closed as soon as we have found our new colleague. Start date: as soon as possible.


We look very much forward to reading your application - please use the SEND APPLICATION button below, and please remember to attach your motivated application and a current CV.


In case of questions regarding the job, please call Bo Visfeldt, Team Manager for Application and Cloud solutions, on +4525356885.


The company is a powerful joint venture between the German electro acoustics specialist Sennheiser electronic GmbH & Co. KG and internationally renowned Danish hearing health care company William Demant Holding Group. The joint venture draws on the experience of the two parent companies that are both global technology leaders in their respective fields.


Established in 2003, Sennheiser Communications A/S has been developing award winning headsets for business professionals and the gaming community from the headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark. The success builds on more than 150 years of combined sound heritage, on the latest technologies, and most of all, on our team of committed experts and professionals.


Sennheiser Communications specializes in combining high-end audio and sound reproduction quality with leading hearing aid and advanced digital signal processing technologies for state-of-the-art communication products for call centers, office applications, as well as headsets for gaming and mobile devices.


More information about Sennheiser Communications at

numberOfPosts: 2


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime


source: DK-STAR


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