Arbejde Tax Process Manager Syddanmark LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
Do you have experience working with tax and/or the processes related to direct tax? Would you like a role you can shape, and where you set up and monitor complex tax processes that support the growth of the LEGO Group in a systematic and far-sighted way? Brand stewardship through direct tax processes You will join the Direct Tax Processes & EMEA team, part of Group Tax. We oversee global tax processes as well as taxes within the EMEA region, and your role has a direct relation to our global brand stewardship agenda. As our Tax Process Manager, you will be focusing on delivering a more standardised and systematic approach in the way we work with direct taxes, to ensure that we fulfil our tax obligations. To do so, you collaborate with team colleagues and the Indirect tax team to ensure coordination and proper links, and you: Define strategies for tax processes, developing guidelines, procedures and workflows in coordination with all internal and external stakeholders supporting the stewardship agenda Set up direct tax controls and monitor controls on an ongoing basis to secure high quality governance of direct tax processes and assure all processes are properly managed Deploy the stewardship agenda and ensure education to internal and external stakeholders around tax processes and controls Set the principles for the development of the tax governance programs and tax control frameworks worldwide, and provide input and support in the context of tax audits Help create visibility on taxes and lifting the strategic focus on taxes, ensuring focus on tax risk management, to enable us to detect, perceive and take actions on risks and opportunities Trusted to learn and challenge This is definitely the role for you, if you want to work in a global context, where you set the rules on processes and shape a brand new position. You will be part of a multicultural environment that crackles with positive energy and a desire to keep learning and challenging the way we do things - because only the best is good enough. Join us, to help steward our brand. You will be trusted to make decisions, do what is right and get things done to the highest possible quality. Policy, procedures and governance knowledge As you will be working in a dynamic environment with many different people, you need to possess a collaborative mindset and be able to interact with stakeholders at all levels. You have a high level of integrity and are driven to deliver quality in your work. Finally, you are curious, look to learn more within your field and want to shape the role. Your qualifications: A relevant education at master's level combined with 7-9 years of work experience with processes and/or tax It is essential that you have know-how on direct tax policy, procedures and governance set-up. You have the following license or certification: CPA, Certified Tax Agent or JD Experience from an accounting or law firm might be relevant. Experience in another similar in-house role is an advantage You have the flexibility to travel approximately 30 % of the time Good IT skills, particularly within an MS Office environment. SAP knowledge is an advantage Bringing it to life "You should join us, if you want to be part of the best department in the world! Seriously, here you will be interacting a lot with team members and work in an environment, where we all bring something to the table. We enjoy what we do, and we enjoy working together," says Gaia Fraschetti, Head of Direct Tax Processes and EMEA Tax.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 79506070
Job kort beskrivelse: Arbejde med kredit- og långivning
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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