Arbejde Supply Integrity Manager unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4975793
documentId: 4975793
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1555331439336
stillingsbetegnelse: Supply Integrity Manager
Become part of the regional team within Global Business Finance driving the business performance of our Region Europe+
You will take on a central role by establishing the strategies and supporting actions to drive integrity of in-market supply in our European markets.
Key elements of the role include:
- Working closely with Europe+ Cluster Finance Directors and members of the Europe+ Leadership Team to establish the strategies and specific actions that will lead to optimal outcomes for integrity of in-market supply depending on the nature of the markets and products in question
- Working with local teams in 18+ European markets to ensure that agreed actions are implemented and to build expertise and share best practice at a local level
- Driving reporting of actual and forecasted adjustments to local P&Ls to reflect parallel trade flows within Europe
- Visiting markets when needed (expected 8-12 trips per year) to ‘deep dive’ on key areas of the Supply Integrity setup, both alone and from time to time together with Internal Audit
We are looking for someone who, aside from being good at “cracking numbers”, can also impact how we do things based on an understanding of the business.
You will cooperate with many different people from all parts of the organisation, and it is therefore crucial that you are open-minded and a good networker.
Your Profile Most Likely Looks Like This
- Business/Science degree
- Min 5 years related experience required with proven experience in project management, business intelligence, strategic planning, consulting industry or equivalent
- Pharmaceutical industry experience strongly preferred; ability to develop a sharp business acumen is necessary
- Demonstrated ability to organize and execute on a variety of assignments and action plans; driving for results and managing complex projects
- Combination of strategic mind-set and operational and follow-up ability
- Ability to approach stakeholders of varying degrees of seniority with a clearly defined objective
- Data-driven + good financial skills
Join us in our ambitious journey to reach even more patients globally
Europe+ embraces Europe, Australia and Canada. The region holds in total around 1.000 employees and contributes with roughly 65% of the total group turnover or approximately €800M.
The regional head office is based at the group headquarter; hence, you will be working out of Ballerup near Copenhagen, Denmark and refer to our Regional Finance Director.
We look forward to welcoming you to our team!
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S
source: DK-STAR
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