Arbejde Software Engineer unspecified Maersk Oil Trading and Investments A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4919360
documentId: 4919360
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1545045366150
stillingsbetegnelse: Software Engineer
We work together, we workout together (in our onsite gym). We meet in our newly renovated office, we meet for walks along the water. We discuss world affairs over breakfast and lunch in our canteen, or in our collaboration lounges. We wear what makes us feel comfortable and we wear ourselves out finding solutions to problems that affect millions of people every day. We are Maersk Digital.
Maersk is going through times of unprecedented change. As we aspire to secure sustainable growth of our businesses, we need to re-think the way we engage with our customers and partners. Digital is taking center stage in enabling this engagement.
If you are passionate about working in an entrepreneurial environment supporting an ambitious team on a great transformation journey – Then this role is the perfect next step in your career!
We offer
Maersk, the world's largest shipping company, is transforming into an industrial digital giant that enables global trade with its land, sea and port assets. We are the digital and software development organisation that builds products in the areas of predictive science (forecasting, customer and market analytics), optimization and IoT. This position offers the opportunity to take innovative ideas and turn them into our future.
Through Digital Transformation we identify, define and implement the mix of process, technology and culture that brings business, development and operation teams closer, allowing Maersk to deliver products faster, improve responsiveness and enhance quality for our consumers.
• We are a very diverse team with colleagues having many different backgrounds and from many different cultures
• We are operating in a working environment of a small software company combined with the benefits of a large enterprise
• We offer freedom to influence and shape the setup and the processes we use
• We offer possibilities to attend conferences, workshops and meetups
At Maersk, we focus on the individual’s development and the right candidate will have broad possibilities to further develop competencies in an environment characterised by change and continuous progress
Find out more about Maersk Digital at
Key responsibilities
• Designing, implementing, deploying, and maintenance of customer-facing analytics products.
• Converting prototype code and specifications of models into deployable production-grade software.
• Encouraging and advising on good practice in building reliable, scalable applications.
• Collaboration with data science and analytics teams on efficient implementation of statistical models and algorithmic solutions to optimisation and other problems within the shipping industry.
• Collaboration with IT teams on design and implementation of efficient solutions for storing and querying a wide variety of operational data.
• Collaboration with front-end developers on providing effective, intuitive, elegant customer-facing web-based interfaces.
• Collaboration with DevOps teams on testing, continuous integration and deployment, and monitoring of developed software.
• Advisory role to product teams on design and architecture of software applications, libraries, and components.
• Timely and responsible delivery of solid, dependable products with potential for high impact on the corporate business.
• Support the Head of Software Engineering to build the team by participating in the recruitment process.
We are looking for
Minimal qualifications:
• At least 5+ years of experience with development of successful products in the industry.
• Expertise in at least one compiled programming language (C/C++, Java, Scala, C#, rust, go, haskell, etc) and its development ecosystem (compilers, build tools, testing, logging, debugging, monitoring tools, libraries, etc).
• Expertise in at least one scripting programming language (python, perl, ruby, lua) and its development ecosystem (as above), with focus on libraries for data science, statistics, machine learning, etc.
• Expertise in portable POSIX shell scripting (bash, GNU coreutils).
• Good familiarity with DBMS-related development: proficiency with SQL, experience working with DBAs.
• Good familiarity with web server applications, web protocols, authentication, authorisation.
• Experience with designing microservice architectures, APIs (REST, other), scaling web sites, performance tuning.
• Familiarity with building customer-facing UIs (not a frontend developer role).
• Strong focus on iterative, short step delivery.
Desirable qualifications:
• Experience with designing, building, and monitoring cloud-based architectures, deployment to major cloud provider services (AWS, GC, ideally at least basic familiarity with Azure).
• Masters’ Degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or equivalent.
• Proven algorithmic problem-solving skills.
• Exposure to data science or analytics work, ideally in a mixed-competence team, familiarity with a data science-related programming environment (R, scipy, matlab, mathematica).
• Experience in building and monitoring distributed systems with shared memory and/or message passing concurrency.
• Good social skills, ability to collaborate with people of different personalities and ways of working.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Maersk Oil Trading and Investments A/S
source: DK-STAR
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