Arbejde Software Developer in R&D Front Office Syddanmark UNIVERSAL ROBOTS A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Software Developer in R&D Front Office

Do you want to be part of a fast-growing, successful and market-leading robotics company, where nothing is impossible? Do you get excited about working with 50 brilliant and talented colleagues with 10 different nationalities? Do you also have an out-going personality? Then you could be the Software Developer R&D Front Office, Universal Robots is looking for. We have changed the ground rules in automation – and it is being noticed As part of Universal Robots, you also become part of a global success. Our robotic arms help our customers improve productivity, profitability and create a safer working environment. Our international offices in Singapore, Barcelona, Shanghai and New York have performance-oriented colleagues who all share a passion for building a globally recognized business. We see rapid development and our learning curve is steep. At Universal Robots we have an ambitious growth strategy where we aim to fill the role of market leader in collaborative robots. Learn more about the groundbreaking products you will be working with: Universal Robots is part of Teradyne Inc. Don’t just wait for the future. Create it. As a Software Developer in the R&D Front Office, you will be part of a highly skilled team whose members are jointly responsible for supporting all your colleagues in the headquarters within the fields of high-level software (Controller/C++ and GUI/JAVA), electronics and mechanics. Either you will be: working with the real-time Controller software in our robots, which is running on a Linux system and is responsible for converting script commands into robot movements. You will have the opportunity to work with the complex math and physics in practice, domain-specific languages for robot control, communication protocols and much more. Or you will be: working with the GUI high-level software in our robots, which is responsible for all functionality that is not strictly related to low-level control. Thus, you will have the opportunity to work with complex domain logic, a domain-specific language for graphical robot programming, intuitive user interfaces, services provided to external systems, user-friendly integration with external hardware, support for third party plugins, 3D graphics, and much more. Or even better – you are capable of working with both, which will make you a preferred candidate. Your schedule and assignments will look different every day, as you will be part of the team supporting the entire headquarters with all kinds of questions and tasks. It is a job that requires accommodating behavior and an out-going and positive personality. With passion and perfection Our mind is not set on a specific background and approach to this job. Perhaps you have 4-5 years of professional experience in software development, or perhaps you recently finished your software engineering education. Either way we focus on your ability to contribute with: Strong mathematical understanding, linear algebra etc. Experience with combining and applying kinematics and physics theory Solid understanding of object-oriented programming, design patterns and software architecture Understanding of clean and maintainable code Familiarity with UI frameworks Flair for solving complex problems Fluent in written and spoken English We also aim to find the candidate, who: Is experienced programming in C++, C, JAVA, Python, bash etc. Is familiar with working in a Linux environment Has knowledge of industrial protocols and field buses e.g. MODBUS Has a focus towards quality with a deep understanding of Test-Driven Development Is experienced in continuous integration and revision control systems We expect you to be flexible and a fast-learner, as our set-up is continuously evolving. You are excited about development and results, and you have an analytical approach to your work. You are structured and know how to work independently as well as part of a team. You have a natural flair for solving c

Arbejdsgiver Navn: UNIVERSAL ROBOTS A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 89938989

Job kort beskrivelse: Softwareudvikling

land: Danmark

region: Syddanmark

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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