Arbejde Siemens Graduate Program (SCM) (164800) Midtjylland Siemens A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: Siemens Graduate Program (SCM) (164800)

For Siemens Energy in our Wind Power division we are looking for graduates with leadership potential, an excellent academic track record and an interest in helping us shape the future of our company and making a difference in the world. What are my responsibilities? The Siemens Graduate Program (SGP) is a two-year program that offers you the ideal start to your career and gives you a unique opportunity to prepare yourself for a successful career - potentially as a leader at Siemens. · You will get three different and challenging 8 months assignments coupled with extensive training where you will take on a large responsibility from day one. One of these assignments will take place abroad · A great part of your day-to-day job is project management, which will prepare you for your future career · You are expected to contribute as an excellent networker in order to bridge your knowledge and gain experience from your different assignments · Your excellent communication skills enable you to influence positively in order to drive and execute projects and tasks · An individual mentor will be assigned to you to provide guidance and advice to ensure the best possible professional development What do I need to qualify for this job? · Master degree within Supply Chain Management (could be a combination with other educations) or similar - with above-average grades (please attach transcript) · International experience of a foreign culture e.g. from a semester abroad · Fluency in English - knowledge of other languages is welcome · Relevant work experience such as an internship in an engineering company · Convincing personality and outstanding communicative, social and interpersonal skills · A strong personal drive characterized by your proactive approach to take on responsibility and achieve results · A high degree of flexibly/mobility and an interest in working in an international and constantly changing work environment · Excellent analytical and conceptual skills What else do I need to know? We are looking for the best and brightest minds with leadership potential eager to join a dynamic and international organization offering unique opportunities for its employees. The Siemens Graduate Program will prepare you for possible future leadership tasks. Interested? If you finish your studies no later than June/July of 2014 and meet our requirements, we would be pleased to get to know you. Apply online in English for the job on using the Job ID 164800. To submit your application online, please click the button “Apply”. Please note that we will reply by email. Only complete applications – including CV, Cover letter, Diplomas, Grade transcripts, Certificates of Employment or Letters of Recommendation respectively - will be considered in the selection process. As we receive many applications, we would appreciate, if you attach your picture in the CV. We look forward to receiving your online application. Deadline for Applications: as soon as possible

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Siemens A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 99 42 22 22

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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