Arbejde Senior Vessel Performance Analyst unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4911619
documentId: 4911619
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1543474866523
stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Vessel Performance Analyst
We offer
An exciting role with the world’s largest and most efficient container vessel owner/operator with a potential to impact the performance of over 700 ships.
You will be part of technical and transformation projects as well as operational initiatives with a variation in complexity and size, all targeting a reduction of emissions to air from vessels. You will also be responsible for technical performance investigations to improve the efficiency of the entire operated Maersk Line fleet.
As part of a dynamic and international organization, you will be based in the Fleet Performance team in Copenhagen, and collaborate with Data Insights and Performance Management teams in Mumbai and Singapore. Together we form an industry-leading optimisation team of navigators, engineers, naval architects and data analysts working across Maersk Line Operations.
In this position, you will have an opportunity to acquire skills and knowledge within the following areas:
• Vessel performance and fleet efficiency
• Network design and operations execution
• Big data and deep learning analytics
• Technical innovation
Key responsibilities
As a Senior Vessel Performance Analyst, you will be responsible for delivering vessel and fleet performance fact-based analyses and recommendations using our in-house vessel performance systems as well as optimised solutions to improve liner operations.
You will work closely with the head of Fleet Performance and be responsible for ideation and strategy of new efficiency initiatives that will make an impact at a vessel and fleet level.
In this role, you will deliver a variety of tasks with a long-term horizon, like contributing to the Maersk Line emission reduction strategy. You will also be involved in complex technical projects with very short delivery time such as fleet composition recommendations and performance support to the vessels.
In some projects, you will undertake the role as project manager where you will be expected to be the anchor and driving force behind the project linking technical specialist in Fleet Performance and business teams in Maersk Line.
In other projects, you will take the role as Subject Matter Expert (SME), in close cooperation with internal and external stakeholders, as well as the vessels in the entire owned and time chartered fleet. You will work closely with other SMEs in a non-hierarchal project set-up and build relationships across network, operations execution and chartering teams in Maersk Line.
You will also work in teams to support the development of the next generation algorithms for propulsion efficiency, energy management and voyage planning and execution in Maersk Line’s Connected Vessel programme.
We are looking for
A passionate Naval Architect with deep technical knowledge developed within ship design, vessels in operations and technical research, with a wide range of expertise, who:
• Holds an MSc or PhD degree in Naval Architecture with minimum 8+ years’ work experience from a reputed organization focusing on vessel performance, ship design and fleet efficiency
• Has experience in liner operations and network design.
• Has experience in coaching, supervising and leading small technical teams of engineers
• Has experience working with big data and preferably some programming skills with Visual Basic, SQL, Matlab, R or Python
• Has an international mindset and shows the excitement to engage and deal with multiple stake-holders in challenging situations.
• Excels in English written and verbal communication as well as delivering technical messages in compelling ways to internal/external stakeholders
As a performance-oriented company, we strive to always recruit the best person for the job – regardless of gender, age, nationality, sexual orientation or religious beliefs.
We are proud of our diversity and see it as a genuine source of strength for building high-performing teams.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S
source: DK-STAR
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