Arbejde Senior Security Test Specialist, Helsinki, Oulu, Copenhagen or Gdynia unspecified NORDEA FINANS DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4908123
documentId: 4908123
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542785465076
Senior Security Test Specialist, Helsinki, Oulu, Copenhagen or Gdynia
We are looking for a skilled Senior Security Test Specialist experienced in large-scale agile projects with a strong focus on security and high code quality to join the Solution Readiness team in Digital & Design (DD) at Nordea. This is an opportunity for you to help us define security requirements, analyze software designs and implementations from a security perspective, and identify, troubleshoot and resolve security issues.
Machine learning, robotics, cloud computing. We’re harnessing the power of technology to reinvent the future of banking. A digital revolution is underway – joining us puts you at the heart of it. Working with skilled, international teams in a fast-paced, agile environment, you’ll play a part in making us truly digital. We all have a role in building the best bank that serves our customers’ changing needs – through innovative solutions, collaboration and partnering with fintechs. Are you ready to embark on a learning journey where we lead the way and push the limits in transforming the future of banking?
Your future responsibilities
You’ll join Digital & Design which is accountable for developing new state-of-the-art digital solutions to our customers, maintaining existing digital solutions and operating underlying IT platforms and applications. DD is currently building new and innovative user experiences on mobile and web for our more than 10 million customers in the Nordics. Being part of DD means that you will work in a diverse, highly international environment with ambitious people, working agile, determined to reach our common goal; to deliver the best digital customer experience to Nordea customers. What you’ll be doing: You will include the appropriate security analysis, defenses and counter measures at each phase of the software development lifecycle, to result in robust and reliable software You will also design and execute on-going security tests and code review to improve software security. You will be responsible for implementing, testing and operating advanced software security techniques in compliance with technical reference architecture to ensure deliveries of functionality with high quality and robust solutions. And of course you’ll also report the security findings and (help the teams) solving them.
You will, among other important tasks:
- Provide engineering designs for new software solutions to help mitigate security vulnerabilities
- Contribute to all levels of the architecture
- Maintain technical documentation
- Consult team members and keep trainings on secure coding practices
- Assist in other security test activities as needed
The role is based in either Helsinki, Oulu, Copenhagen or Gdynia. Welcome to Solution Readiness, a team in DD that is also responsible for non-functional test activities, defect management, problem management, test data, customer feedback and data analysis.
Who you are
Collaboration. Ownership. Passion. Courage. These are the four key values that guide us in being at our best. We imagine that you enjoy learning and are excited about bringing your ideas to the table. You’re dependable, willing to speak up – even when it’s difficult – and committed to empowering others. Your profile and background: You are highly experienced in security standards, security testing, quality assurance methodologies, test tools and best practices. The role requires a profound knowledge and understanding of Agile software development and you have detailed technical knowledge of techniques and state-of-the art capabilities for authentication and authorization, applied cryptography, security vulnerabilities and remediation. You enjoy working in a high-performing team, acting as both a mentor and a sparring partner for your colleagues. And due to our international and cross-country environments, you are open to limited travel. Further to this, we believe that you:
- Have good knowledge of microservice architecture (banking domains is a major advantage too and general knowledge of Netbank and Mobile banking applications)
- Have solid experience in building secure and maintainable solution
- Have solid experience with Java, objectC/swift and javascript programming
- Have experience with assisted code review tools or static analysis
- Have experience in developing RESTful API services
- Have experience with Android and iOS app development
- Have experience with Spring Boot, Git and Linux
- Have an interest in all aspects of security research and development, perhaps even coding in your free time
- Are a strong driver with experience in teaching secure development practices
- Hold a Bachelor or Master degree in Computer Science or related field, or have equivalent work experience
- Are aware of the OWASP Top Ten and other types of web attack patterns
By joining the Nordea team you will gain:
- Opportunity to participate in ambitious international IT projects
- Access to the latest high-tech solutions and opportunity to specialize in other technologies
- Exciting projects in your own responsibility with diverse challenges
- Wonderful team spirit and a great working atmosphere in a friendly team
- Modern and friendly work environment with open door policy
- Room for your own ideas and suggestions for improvement
- Possibility to participate in training programs enhancing your qualifications
- Full Time position based on an employment contract
- Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package
If this sounds like you, get in touch!
More information
In the Digital Hub at, you can read more about us and how we are changing.
At Nordea, we recruit from the widest possible pool and hire the best person for the job. Because diversity makes us stronger. And once you are on board, you will find that we offer equal opportunities to everyone.
Please submit your application no later than 26 November 2018 and if you have a Github account with sample code, please inform us in your application as well.
For more information about the position, please contact team manager, maria.e.nielsen (at) Great people often know great people – please share if you have a friend who could be a perfect match for this job.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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