Arbejde Head of Digital Data Analytics unspecified FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4882318
documentId: 4882318
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1537789571186
stillingsbetegnelse: Head of Digital Data Analytics
Do you want to be part of an exciting journey delivering Business Intelligence supporting the growth of an organization?
If so, you now have the opportunity to join FLSmidth’s highly energized Digitalization team.
We are currently on an exciting journey and the Head of Digital Data Analytics plays an important role in this. If you are dreaming of - and have experience in - building new platforms, this is an opportunity to apply those skills and help our organization grow.
Being the global leader in the industries we serve, we have huge access to data and have used that data to provide data insights to our customers resulting in process improvements and sustainability gains. In combination with our superior knowhow from 136 years of applying best practice from products, services and processes, we have learned a lot and are continuing to build our competencies in this area.
As a responsible company, we are also committed to improving the world we live in through our sustainability efforts. Our solutions have a significant impact on many aspects, where two focus areas are reducing water and carbon emissions. This role is instrumental in ensuring we continue to deliver improvements in these areas.
Detailed Description
As Head of Digital Data Analytics, you will be responsible for building an integrated data/analytic vision for FLSmidth, delivering smart Business Intelligence, creating data-driven insights, developing customer centric analytical products (from connected machines), and applying machine learning across FLSmidth and to customers.
You will support in building data models and act as a data scientist. Longer term the role is to build, coach, manage and develop the analytics team to maximize performance, business impact and results.
The role as Head of Data analytics will be very hands on/executional while building up and coordinating the future data organization and capabilities. Therefore a background as a data scientist/analytic is essential.
You will in this role coordinate cross-functional internal teams and external staff augmentation across data infrastructure, business intelligence, and analytics and foster a customer-centric data-driven culture. You will also develop an integrated vision and end-to-end data strategy and roadmap for our two industries, Cement and Mining, with a strong focus on creating value for our customers.
It will be your responsibility to collaborate with the technology teams, data/analytics vendors, and others to evaluate analytics solutions and build/enhance the data infrastructure in a phased manner aligned with the needs of our customers and the business. You will also develop machine learning (ML) expertise and apply innovative applications of ML across the enterprise.
Job Requirements
Your profile
The ideal candidate is an experienced and ambitious data analytic who has worked with predictive to prescriptive analytics with statistical modelling, big data analytics and machine learning. You will need to be a strong communicator who also enjoys working with all parts of the business; leading and motivating own employees as well as colleagues across the organisation.
As a person, you are ambitious, curious, dedicated and driven by reaching the set goals. You possess good communications skills in English.
You hold a BSc or MSc in mathematics, statistics, information science or equivalent. You have hands-on experience as data scientist (or similar) and the ability to analyze data and draw intelligent conclusions based on that.
You also have:
• Strong understanding of Big Data software architectures.
• Excellent progressive top performing track from data analytics with proven ability to build the vision for and lead an integrated data and analytics team.
• Intermediate to advanced expertise with statistical modeling tools such as R, SAS, SPSS or equivalents.
• Management experience and up to date on latest advancements in analytical trends, techniques and tools
• Experience with applying predictive analytics, machine learning and big data management in an industrial company
• Experience from the cement, mining or related industry
• Management consulting experience
• Hands-on experience or strong interest in actively developing solutions for machine learning
This position will be located in Valby, Copenhagen and you will therefore need to have the rights to live and work in Denmark /EU.
Additional Details
Our commitment to you
FLSmidth helps build societies all over the world by contributing to the infrastructure needed for global economic growth.
You take off for a career in an international environment in close collaboration with customers, suppliers and colleagues all over the world based on our values: Competence, Co-operation and Responsibility.
Ensuring that safety stays on top of mind is part of FLSmidth’s commitment of being a responsible employer and we focus on developing your talent through ongoing training.
Please apply by clicking “apply” on this page. The application deadline is 15 October 2018. Please state where you saw the ad and have reference no.IRC41146 ready at hand when you contact us.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: FLSMIDTH & CO. A/S
source: DK-STAR
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