Arbejde Senior Python/Django Full-stack Developer unspecified Plecto ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDg5MzI4NiA3

reference: 4893286

documentId: 4893286

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539767885183

stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Python/Django Full-stack Developer


Senior Python/Django Full-stack Developer

Location: Warsaw, Poland or Aarhus, Denmark

Contact person: Ales Kocjancic (+4571997163, ales (at)

To apply, please fill out the form on

We are looking for a senior Python full-stack developer that has many years of experience working independently and is able to deliver a complete, functioning product, both in the backend and the frontend.

This person will grow to become the team leader (or CTO) and help us hire and build the development team at our new offices in Warsaw.

This person should be an expert in Python and Django with many years of experience building scalable and reliable web applications. They should be experts in HTML and have excellent skills in CSS, Javascript, React.js and related technologies. They have a great eye for detail and uncompromising respect for good UX. Management experience is not necessary, but they should desire to grow their career into a leadership role.

They must have experience and interest in the following technologies:

  • Python and Django;
  • PostgreSQL, Redis and similar;
  • AWS (EC2, Kinesis, SQS, CloudWatch, etc.) or similar cloud services;
  • Modern Javascript ES2016;
  • React.js, Redux and similar libraries;
  • Semantic HTML5;
  • CSS and preprocessors like Sass or Less;
  • Build tools like Webpack;
  • Git and GitHub.

This person is efficient and has high respect for "doing things right":

  • They adhere to high standards of code quality;
  • Their code is performant, clean, concise and follows the best coding and security practices;
  • They are proponents of automated testing;
  • They take decisions based on measurable metrics;
  • They are able to deliver finished, scalable and reliable products;
  • They are able to write technical documentation;
  • They are able to estimate and plan independently and execute on time;
  • They are able to present their strong beliefs in a constructive and inspiring manner.

We offer:

  • An attractive salary with a clear career path;
  • Work with modern technologies;
  • Creative freedom;
  • The best hardware and software required for your job;
  • Be part of a young and fun team;
  • New, modern office in downtown Warsaw with private bike parking and showers;
  • Fully stocked kitchens with coffee, tea, soda and food;
  • Budget for participating at conferences;
  • Yearly company retreats;

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Plecto ApS

source: DK-STAR


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