Arbejde Senior Product Manager unspecified SYBO ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 4884197
documentId: 4884197
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538047270843
stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Product Manager
We’re SYBO, a mobile games studio in the heart of Copenhagen and we are here to produce amazing things.
We live to make stuff that you want to play by crafting coolness out of chaos. We're the sum of all our parts and our staff are the beating heart of everything we make and do.
We are trying to strengthen our presence on the F2P scene with a Senior Product Manager to make 2018 the breakout year in mobile social gaming.
We appreciate generalists with a variety of core skills, you will be a large part of forming the position and be a part of our continuous journey.
Sounds interesting?? Take a look at the abstractJV_description - and let us know if you are the one we are looking for.
- Report directly to the Game Leads, with complete P&L responsibility. Work shoulder to shoulder with the IP’s Producer to ensure the correct execution of the product roadmap
- Collaborate daily with the game designers to conceptualize features that aim at reaching business goals
- Liaise regularly with the Business Intelligence team to analyse game data to extract customer insights that lead to improved/new features and provide results follow-up
- Develop in-game events and promotions that drive retention, engagement and revenue
- Construct a reciprocal environment, where ideas and suggestions are welcomed by everyone
- Define of the game’s Strategy and Business Goals
- Take responsibility for the full product/game life-cycle
- Measure the success of product features after release and optimise their performance through rapid, data-driven iteration
- Regularly monitor the development of the market / competing game categories & business models
- Identify, define and prioritise solutions that improve marketing’s efficiency, operating expenses and time to deployment
Skills/Experience Required:
- Extensive experience as a leading Product Manager in live games where you had full ownership of the product strategy and product performance
- Exceptional analytical skills
- Experience building models and defining data needs
- Exhibit sound product judgment, ability to formulate product strategy and present clear measurable objectives that will lead to achieving our business goals
- Provide valuable input into business cases based on in-depth data analysis and demonstrate how that analysis impacts key product metrics
- BA/BS degree from a top university
- Self-direction, drive and leadership
- A real passion for games and gaming
- High level of proficiency in Excel
- Experience in launching a successful F2P mobile game
- Strong verbal and written interpersonal skills in English
- Experience working in an agile environment is a plus
At SYBO we build brands worthy of dedication
Our core values are: Proven Products, constructed in a Synced Community, our Performance Matters, Passionate Colleagues doing Daily High Fives!
What we can brag about:
- The best office location in Copenhagen
- A chance to do the work of your life
- An informal and creative culture where everybody is heard
We also have...
- Health insurance for every employee
- A pension plan
- Balanced lunch buffet
- Currently 20+ nationalities
- And a lot of fun - also when working
We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our studio. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SYBO ApS
source: DK-STAR
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