Arbejde 147431 Tenure Track Associate Professor of Pathology (Fixed-term, 6 years) unspecified KU - SCIENCE BIO - BRIC - jobtilbud

id: NDg3ODgyNiA3

reference: 4878826

documentId: 4878826

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1536910984330

147431 Tenure Track Associate Professor of Pathology (Fixed-term, 6 years)

Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC)
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
University of Copenhagen

University of Copenhagen is looking for a physician-scientist for a position as research group leader at the Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC), and with close relations to the Pathology Department at Rigshospitalet.

The position
We provide the opportunity to develop an independent research programme within molecular pathology in a dynamic and international elite research environment at BRIC, with the prospect of continuing a career as clinical pathologist at Rigshospitalet. You will also be part of a committed team of colleagues, teaching pathology to MD students. Details of the collaboration between BRIC and the Pathology Department will be developed and decided on the basis of your profile, experience and focus of research.

The position is open for appointment from 1 March 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter.

About BRIC
BRIC is a research centre of excellence hosting 24 independent research groups that perform basic and translational research aimed at understanding diseases like cancer, neurological and metabolic disorders. As a group leader, you take part in the decision making in our Group Leader Forum, where BRIC activities, infrastructure, and development are discussed. BRIC has an outstanding scientific track record and a good track record in obtaining competitive funding from National and European public and private funding agencies. BRIC has extensive international collaborations and actively participates in the European alliance, EU-LIFE, consisting of 13 excellent life science research institutions. BRIC is also part of the EU-funded LIBRA initiative to obtain gender balance in life science research. The centre has an association for students and postdocs (ASAP), a PhD programme (MoMeD) and a Postdoc Career Programme (PCP).

BRIC has a highly international profile (more than 60 % international researchers) and English is our working language. The International Staff Mobility Office (ISM) at UCPH supports and guides international researchers through your initial steps in Denmark (e.g. residence and work permits, tax and pension, banking, medical care, childcare). ISM also offers a dual career network open for the spouses of our researchers.

About the Pathology Department
The Pathology Department at Rigshospitalet is Denmark’s pathology department for expert diagnostics within all areas of surgical pathology, including all cancer diseases, transplantation related pathology and developmental pathology. We are 180 employees in total, of which 37 are consultants, and receive 95.000 requests yearly.

Denmark collects more data on its citizens that any other country. Administrative registers in Denmark are all connected via the citizen’s unique person identifier. The Patobank ( is Denmark’s nationwide digital databank since 1987. The Patobank is updated continuously with data from all pathological analyses conducted by all the country's 13 pathology departments. The Patobank is used as a daily tool for diagnostics, a data source for cancer registries and quality assurance programs and finally as a source for research projects.

Parallel to the local archives with paraffin embedded blocks, is The Danish Cancer Biobank (, a national biobank since 2010, containing fresh and frozen tissue and blood samples from patients diagnosed with all cancer types.

The Pathology department participates in several national and international research and development projects. Areas of interest other than new prognostic and predictive markers are circulating tumour cells and tumour heterogeneity (resistance, challenges for treatment). Please find more information in this English clip from the department website:

Your profile
You have a strong commitment to research and research-based teaching in the area of molecular pathology, and the wish to build a research group combining these activities with clinical responsibilities. You possess good interpersonal skills and want to contribute to the common activities at both institutions.

  • An MD or MD/PhD degree
  • Board certification in clinical pathology
  • Published papers in international scientific journals, demonstrating high scientific quality
  • A collaborative and interdisciplinary mind-set
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Teaching experience at an academic level – e.g. undergraduate teaching or supervision of young researchers and students
We offer
  • An outstanding international research environment with committed peers
  • A diverse, transparent and inclusive environment
  • An attractive salary and competitive start-up package
  • Cutting edge core facilities
  • Mentoring programme with the opportunity to have two peers as mentors
  • Tailored support in raising competitive funds and communicate your research
  • Financial project administration and HR support
  • Excellent infrastructure regarding biobanks for pathology with up to 30 years clinical follow up

Terms of employment
The position is a tenure track position. After no more than six years of employment and on condition of a positive tenure review, the associate professorship will be transferred into a permanent position. The tenure review consists of an internal ‘Half-Term Evaluation’ approximately 2.5-3-years after the initial appointment and a ‘Tenure Review’ conducted by a committee of external experts approximately 5 years after the initial appointment. The tenure candidate is expected to have gained experience in leading a group, demonstrated a sustained production of high quality research publications, been able to attract external financial support as well as qualified staff.

For more details on the tenure procedure, please contact BRIC Director Anders Lund, anders.lund (at)

Salary, supplement, pension and terms of employment are set in accordance with the agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations on Academics in the State. The position is covered by the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities (2013).

Salary is negotiated depending on qualifications. Non-Danish and Danish applicants may be eligible for tax reduction (‘researcher tax’), if they have not lived in Denmark during the past 10 years.

For information about BRIC, please go to: or contact Director Anders Lund, anders.lund (at)

For information about the Pathology Department, please go to: or contact Head of Department Vera Timmermans, vera.timmermans (at)

  • The application must be submitted in English and include the following documents:
  • Application, including motivations for applying for this position (Maximum 2 pages)
  • Curriculum vitae, including a list of publications
  • Diplomas (Master’s, PhD and other relevant certificates)
  • A complete list of publications
  • Research plan (3‐5 pages)
  • Uploads of maximum 5 publications to be considered in the assessment
  • Teaching portfolio (
  • Names of three referees
Application procedure
After the expiry of the deadline for applications, the authorized recruitment manager selects applicants for assessment on the advice of the Appointments Committee. All applicants are then immediately notified whether their application has been passed for assessment. The Dean then appoints an expert assessment committee in order to make an assessment of the selected applicants for the specific post. Selected applicants are notified of the composition of the committee and each applicant has the opportunity to comment on the part of the assessment that relates to the applicant him/herself.
You can read about the recruitment process at Please note that you will be contacted if the assessment committee requires further documentation.

You will be assessed according to the Ministerial Order no. 242 of 13 March 2012 on the Appointment of Academic Staff at Universities.

The University of Copenhagen has been recognized by the European Commission for its ‘HR excellence in research’ and is thus acknowledged for the commitment to fostering good working conditions and career development for researchers by complying with The European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the recruitment of researchers (ECRCC). The University of Copenhagen encourages all interested applicants to apply for this position.

Please submit the application with the required attachments. Only online applications will be accepted.

The closing date for applications is 28 October 2018.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: KU - SCIENCE BIO - BRIC

source: DK-STAR


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