Arbejde Senior ITSM Specialist unspecified NNIT A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4922417
documentId: 4922417
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1545390187443
stillingsbetegnelse: Senior ITSM Specialist
We are looking for a Senior ITSM Specialist with a deep interest in all aspects of NNIT’s IT Service Management tools landscape including the ITSM Integration platform and the business critical ITSM system.
You will join the ITSM Tools & Processes team with colleagues in Denmark, China, the Philippines and India. The team’s overall responsibility is the ITSM tools as well as the ITIL processes supported by the tools. Our main purpose is to provide the optimal and efficient ITSM tools and processes package to support our organization.
The job
In your role as ITSM Specialist you will be working in a professional environment with a team of process SMEs, developers, architects and operations specialists all focused on supporting and optimizing NNIT’s ITSM tools and processes.
Your focus will be in the ITSM tools area covering the ITSM Integration platform and NNIT’s ITSM system.
Through the ITSM Integration platform we ensure a standardized way of integrating NNIT’s ITSM system with our customers’ ITSM systems such as ServiceNow, Cherwell, POB and BMC Remedy. You will be involved in the integration activities including specification of the integration through customer workshops and coordination of the needed development and test activities during the integration implementation.
We are in the process of replacing our current ITSM system and you will be involved in the activities primarily from an integration perspective but also bringing your experience and competences into play during the implementation of the new ITSM system.
Your qualifications and experience
Your primary responsibility will be within the ITSM integration activities both related to the ITSM replacement activites and customer ITSM integrations.
We are looking for candidates who have several years of experience working as operations specialists or system administrator preferably within the ITSM area. The competence set should include scripting capabilities and software deployment in environments where documentation and testing is natural part of the quality delivery.
Personal profile
- Outgoing and able to approach customers and end-users at all levels
- Able to independently and effectively manage own time to meet committed dates
- High quality mind-set
- Capable of following procedures, improve existing and create new
- Strong process mindset
- A natural urge to dig into the root cause of an integration issue
Technical competences
- Scripting knowledge including Dell Boomi, PowerShell, JavaScript.
- Knowledge on storage, databases, applications, network and virtualization technologies.
- Operational experience with Windows servers
- Knowledge about ITSM systems such as BMC Remedy, ServiceNow, POB, Cherwell preferably as system/application administrator.
- Knowledge about the ITIL framework
- Documentation
- Test handling
- SCRUM/Agile development framework
- English. Excellent and professional written and verbal communication
As a person you have a high quality mind-set and you like to keep yourself updated with new technologies. You have a high degree of flexibility and the ability to handle different tasks simultaneously. It is an advantage if you have experience with certificates and security and that you are familiar with the ITIL framework.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: NNIT A/S
source: DK-STAR
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