Arbejde Senior Front-end Developer Syddanmark Vattenfall A/S - jobtilbud
About the company Vattenfall is Europe’s fifth largest electricity generator and the largest producer of heat and operates in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, the Benelux and the UK. Our strategy is to reduce emissions from power generation with a road map to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Business Division Renewables is responsible for wind power and biomass. Investments in wind power is an important cornerstone to deliver our road map and we plan, build and own wind farms in five countries, onshore and offshore. Business Division Renewables has about 365 employees. Business Area Wind is responsible for Vattenfall’s Onshore and Offshore Wind as well as other non-hydro Renewable activities. Today we develop, construct and operate wind generation in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, The Netherlands and the UK. Main responsibilities You will be part of the Wind Power Data Centre team who is responsible for: • Data integration of all wind farms(i.e. collect, store and analyse process data) • Transform analysed data into in-house developed software systems to offer the business the best application and reporting tools. • Application to support the Business related to power trading and forecasting • Application to offer regulation and curtailment services • Application to support the siting group Who are we looking for? We are looking for a candidate who can develop technical IT solution to secure a high quality of technical IT systems within Vattenfall Wind Power, to secure that Vattenfall Wind Power gain competitive advantages in operation of existing wind turbines, project development, implementation and operation of future wind farms. Within Wind Power Data Centre we value your communication skills as much as your hard skills. We are looking for a good communicator who is able to listen, bring a message across clearly, retrieve the needed information and has the ability to adapt to their audience. We believe, that only with these communication skills, IT can act as the trusted partner towards our business. Qualifications Solid experience (5-10 years) with programming in C# and JavaScript Solid knowledge (5-10 years) of Web technologies such as ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API and AngularJS Experience with continuous integration and deployment, preferably using Jenkins, PowerShell and MS Deploy You have an M.Sc. Computer Systems Engineering or equivalent. As we operate in an international environment, it is essential that you speak and write English fluently and an advantage if you also speak and write Danish fluently. Moreover, you have strong communication skills and are able to communicate well with representatives from various professional groups, external business partners and colleagues You • have a strong personal drive. • are a true team player and able to contribute to the existing team spirit • have a systematic and focused approach • are strongly performance oriented – but are not just focused on getting the job done, but keen on having it done in the right way. • are comfortable with a changing environment and an international perspective • Are able to plan and prioritize • show a proactive approach towards stakeholders • will be able to make and implement decisions effectively We offer We offer you a challenging and independent job in an informal working environment. You will be working in interdisciplinary teams and you can always count on support from committed colleagues as ‘Ask and Share’ concept is essential for the way we work. We offer attractive employment conditions and opportunities for personal and professional development Location: Your base will be in the Vattenfall office in Kolding DK, however you should expect some of travelling in relation to your work spread over a year. For further information about the position please get in contact with Team Leader, Scada and Data Analysis, Lars.Eeg.Hojholt (at), Lars Eeg Højholt +45 2787 5814. About the recruitment process
Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vattenfall A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 88 27 50 00
Job kort beskrivelse: Softwareudvikling
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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