Arbejde Senior Contract Manager unspecified CARLSBERG BREWERIES A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4935893
documentId: 4935893
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1548421693340
stillingsbetegnelse: Senior Contract Manager
Do you have in-depth commercial and contractual knowledge? Does it motivate you to get the best out of agreements and relationships with partners and vendors? If so, and if you are ready to support the execution of our ambitious strategy with respect to managing Carlsberg’s IT partners and vendors, then we are looking to hear from you.
As the Senior Contract Manager at Carlsberg’s IT organisation (Carlsberg Global Business Services A/S), a part of Carlsberg Group, you will drive contract management excellence and best practice in Carlsberg’s IT organisation. You will also drive the roll out of our contract management strategy as well as support and challenge the business by optimising our agreements with our partners and vendors.
Your new job
The responsibilities include focus on commercial and contractual considerations as well as legal and compliance issues. It is also expected that you will influence and drive the strategy and development of standards for the contract management team.
Further responsibilities include:
- Contract Management of IT and Outsourcing agreements, incl. the roll out and continued follow up on best practices with respect to deliverables and obligation tracking
- Implementing our contract management framework and best practices in the organization
- Cost control and cost management
- Dispute handling and resolutions
- Vendor Management focusing on our tier 1 and 2 vendors
- Life cycle development of contracts, incl. renegotiations, handling change requests and keeping agreements current with market conditions
Your profile
The role requires you to have a minimum of 3-5 years working experience within Contract Management, where you hold technical, functional and commercial knowledge of IT and Outsourcing. Other sought after qualifications include:
- Ability to engage with stakeholders as well as partners and vendors. Actively promotes ‘one-team’ spirit and collaboration with vendors and across functions – but still able to take and lead the tough conversations/disputes
- High natural drive, commitment and personal ownership
- Ability to focus on both details and big picture
- Results oriented and committed to quality
- Organised, incl. ability to organise and prioritise between multiple tasks
- Embraces and drives change
- Excellent communication and presentation skills
- Ability to work in a team oriented environment with your individual responsibilities
- Fluent in speaking, reading and writing English
The role is based in Copenhagen.
If you want to know more about the position, please contact Head of Partner and Contract Management, Thomas Junker Jensen phone no. + 45 5168 0373.
Application deadline is 8th February 2019.
If you are interested in applying, please apply online.
Carlsberg Global Business Services is the global provider of business services to all functions, regions and markets in the Carlsberg Group. This includes business process design, system solutions, shared services and system operations. Global Business Services employs approx. 750 people. A tight collaboration with the local markets is established in all three regions; Western Europe, Eastern Europe and Asia. The head office for Global Business Services is in Copenhagen.
Nurture your skills in the pursuit of excellence: We believe people thrive and perform to their highest abilities when they are in charge of their career paths and professional growth. We’ll give you lots of responsibility right from the start and expect you to excel at your job and be accountable for your results. We believe that learning on the job and through your peers are as important as learning through formal courses.
The Carlsberg Group is one of the leading brewery groups in the world, with a large portfolio of beer and other beverage brands. Our flagship brand – Carlsberg – is one of the best-known beer brands in the world and the Baltika, Carlsberg and Tuborg brands are among the eight biggest brands in Europe. More than 46,000 people work for the Carlsberg Group, and our products are sold in more than 150 markets. In 2014, the Carlsberg Group sold 122 million hectolitres of beer, which is about 37 billion bottles of beer.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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