id: NDg5MDY3NyA3

reference: 4890677

documentId: 4890677

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1539248587506



Do you want to work with all aspects of operational information and cyber security challenges in mission critical systems for the global Defence Market? Are you eager to learn and to develop your professional and personal skills in an international environment?

What you will be part of

Saab in Denmark has exciting opportunities for engineers ready to develop secure integrated communication systems for mission critical operation for global defence customers. Our solutions combine software and hardware products from vendors all over the world, integrated through our own software platform, TactiCall. You will be working with a variety of communication technologies, including our own developed high assurance Security Guards and Cross Domain Solutions.

We offer you a lively international environment in a technology driven organization with skilled colleagues. You will experience a high degree of freedom and personal responsibility in an informal atmosphere. Offering a fresh, vibrant place to work, Saab backs its commitment to offering a healthy work-life balance with a great working culture, flexible working hours, and an active Social Club.

Your role

As our new Security Architect, you will be responsible for transforming customer security requirements into deliverable solutions. You will be the security expert in projects and document the solution in close cooperation with other Security Architects, System Engineers and Project Managers. You will be responsible for relevant security accreditations, evaluations, etc. including our own Common Criteria EAL 5+ accreditation. You will also play an important role in developing Saab’s offer within Cyber Security, and participate in customer meetings as part of a Sales or Project Team.

Typical disciplines:

 Security Risk Analysis

 Security Architecture modelling

 System accreditation in accordance with

National Scheme


 Security Operational Procedures

 Integration of 3rd party Security Products

Personal qualifications

You have strong analytical skills and a structured and methodical approach to task solving. You enjoy working with technical documentation, and transferring complex information into operational solutions motivates you. You enjoy working in an international environment, and are capable of balancing a holistic view of the project with the detailed view on the specific task.

We expect you to hold an M.Sc. in Engineering or similar, and experience in Computer & Network Security is an advantage. For the right candidate we will support with relevant training and education. As a minimum, you should be fluent in spoken and written English, additionally skills in the Danish language is a plus.

As a condition of employment, candidates will be required to participate in a background investigation and/or successfully demonstrate eligibility to receive applicable Government security clearance(s).


Applications can be submitted in English or Danish.

Interviews will be conducted continuously so send in your application now.

Recruitment office

HR (at)

Note: In the subject field please state "¨Security Architect".


Anders Kryhlmand

General Manager

+45 6155 2332

anders.kryhlmand (at)


Saab Danmark A/S

Porten 6

6400 Sønderborg

Note: Some travel activity must be expected (approx. 10 – 30 days per year).

About Saab Danmark A/S

Saab in Denmark is part of the Saab Group with headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. At the same time, Saab Danmark is an independent legal company with a flat organizational structure. Our main area of business is delivering integrated communication solutions to civil and military markets at home and abroad.

Find more information about our TactiCall and TactiGuard solutions on ;

Saab is a global defence and security company operating in the fields of air, land and naval defence, civil security and commercial aeronautics. We number 15,500 employees and have operations on all continents. Technologically we are leaders in many areas, and one-fifth of our earnings are spent on research and development.

Saab is also a company with opportunities. A company where we see diversity as an asset and where you have both considerable responsibility and good opportunities for advancing in your career. But also a company that respects each person’s need for a rewarding life beyond work.


numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: SAAB DANMARK A/S

source: DK-STAR


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