Arbejde Data Engineer Generalist unspecified MAERSK TRAINING A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4888144
documentId: 4888144
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1538733545010
stillingsbetegnelse: Data Engineer Generalist
This is an opportunity to join Maersk Training as our first Data Engineer.
Are you an engineer comfortable working with a wide range of data technologies? Do you understand the day-to-day obstacles to effective data science? Are passionate about working in an entrepreneurial environment, engage and provide an enhanced customer experience? – then keep reading.
We offer
This is an exciting time to join a fast paced, growing and dynamic company that aim to solve some of the toughest problems in the industry. Maersk Training is a small business unit in the APMM group. We are an open-minded, friendly and supportive company who strive for excellence together. We believe in improving safety, behaviour and operational performance in the real working environment. We offer a unique opportunity to influence our data culture and to leverage data and technology to impact the success of our company.
Key responsibilities
•Partner directly with the business to understand, decompose, and scope data solutions that will create value internally or externally. You will be working directly with product managers and you will need to be excited about reaching across into adjacent domains.
• Build data pipelines and engineering required to sustainably source data
• Collaborate with our product lines to source data and interoperate with existing systems
• Embed with business teams to understand processes and requirements and fit solutions within this framework
• Spearhead the discovery of data needs. Deliver data products, feeds and production infrastructure
• Provide communication around our data and analytics needs
• Contribute to the technological foundation
• Deliver work within a high-impact team while fostering a collaborative and inclusive environment
We are looking for
• Minimum 5 years of industry data engineering experience, ideally from a generalist role.
• You possess a Bachelor's degree in computer science (or equivalent experience).
• You should feel at home delivering through a wide range of data technologies such as SQL, Hadoop, MapReduce, Spark, SQL and NoSQL, job orchestration tools and language like Python, Ruby, Java, Scala etc.
• Experience with Data mining and deep learning will be preferred but is not a prerequisite
• Desire and ability to learn the business and become an expert in the industry
• Ability to communicate and work effectively with technical and non-technical team members
• An understanding of the practical business aspect including contractual liabilities and finance
• Independent and self-directed individual that thrive in ambiguity
• Able to find right balance between establishing track record/trials versus making sure we have the right level of quality and understanding
• Fluent in English both verbally and in writing
Ref.: TR-189269
For further information, please contact: Maria Iben Matthiesen via MIH002 (at)
Maersk Training focuses on solutions for clients in oil & gas, maritime and wind industries. The company have invested heavily in building advanced simulators to provide realistic training and deliver more than textbook theory. Maersk Training plan and tailor training to the reality of the people they train. And as we live in a dynamic, progressing world, we believe in constant development and continuously improving our solutions. Today, Maersk Training is an independent business unit with worldwide training facilities open to all companies
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK TRAINING A/S
source: DK-STAR
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