Arbejde ScanPeople is looking for a Data-Analyst on behalf of Gorenje Nordic A/S unspecified SCANPEOPLE ApS - jobtilbud
reference: 5031736
documentId: 5031736
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1566196216506
ScanPeople is looking for a Data-Analyst on behalf of Gorenje Nordic A/S
On behalf of our client, Gorenje Group Nordic A/S, ScanPeople is looking for a Data-Analyst with an analytical mind-set. With approximately 450 service partners, Gorenje seeks a Data-Analyst, who can analyze and verify all Gorenje’s service-reports. The reports are written in English and therefore its required that you can read, speak and write English fluently – inquiries and reports happen via mail. Recently, Gorenje has been bought by the successful Chinese company, Hisense. Gorenje employs approximately 50 employees at their office in Glostrup, Denmark.
- Responsibility for analyzing and verifying service-reports for 450 service partners.
- Assisting with composition of the company’s key data.
- Taking care of various administrative ad hoc tasks.
- Your background is subordinated. Experience from an equivalent job is preferable, but not required.
- You have an analyzing personality and thrive with routine tasks at your office.
- You are stable, detail-oriented and hard-working.
- You are an experienced user in Microsoft Office – especially in Microsoft Excel and Outlook.
- Experience with SAP is an absolute advantage, but not required.
- A solid job in a well-established international company.
- Health insurance, pension scheme and a lunch arrangement.
- Impact on your everyday life in a dynamic and informal environment with committed colleagues.
- Salary by qualifications.
We are looking to occupy the vacancy as soon as possible and will be booking job interviews continuously. We are waiting for the right candidate, but you should send your application today rather than tomorrow.
If you can relate to the above – and you are ready for new and exciting challenges, register your profile by clicking on the link below – after registration, upload your application and resume.
APPLY HERE:[]=11222
If you’re already registered in our database, you can simply add the job-code 11222 to your profile.
For more information about the position, feel free to contact Liselotte Schwanenflügel Jensen or Christian Behrenthz Olesen by phone at: (+45) 43 31 00 71.
We look forward to receiving your application!
Gorenje Group is one of the leading European manufacturers of household appliances with global presence, which is built on our two global brands: Gorenje, which includes an entire range of upper-mid price range home products, and premium brand Asko, as well as six local brands of different price ranges.
Our technologically perfected, design-forward, innovative, and energy efficient home appliances provide an intuitive and life simplifying user experience to users of our products across 90 countries worldwide.
Since the launch of the Danish subsidiary company in 1976 headquartered in Copenhagen, Gorenje Group Nordic has grown into a multinational company responsible for the entire area of the Nordic and Baltic countries, covering the area with over 32 mio inhabitants and of over 1.5 mio km2.
Offering the following three brands of household appliances: Gorenje, Asko and Upo in eight countries through a broad and highly qualified distribution, Gorenje Group Nordic is aiming to provide a wide range of innovative, design-driven products and services that bring simplicity to our customers in different segments and price levels.
ScanPeople is a young and dynamic Danish company in the Scanavo group. We are specialized in hiring staff on behalf of industrial, medical, and technical companies, and one of our strengths are the employee’s much differentiated backgrounds. Together, the employees of ScanPeople have more than 25 years of experience with temporary hires, search and recruitment.
Should this vacancy not be the right match for you, you are welcome to follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook – where all our job listings are posted.
ScanPeople’s green division is specialized in hiring staff within Sales, Marketing, Office and Administration.
ScanPeople’s blue division is specialized in hiring staff within Industry, Technical, Medical and Pharmacological companies.
You can read more about ScanPeople at
numberOfPosts: 1
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positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SCANPEOPLE ApS
source: DK-STAR
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