Arbejde Sales Intelligence Analyst unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1Mzk1OCA3

reference: 4953958

documentId: 4953958

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1551703647716

stillingsbetegnelse: Sales Intelligence Analyst


Are you interested in bringing your strong analytical skills into play by driving measurable business value through promotional effectiveness analysis and recommendations for future trade promotions strategy?

Working with promotion and sales numbers, you analyse the effect of past promotions and drive fact-based recommendations for future promotional strategy and mechanics. You support the LEGO Nordic Sales team to better understand our customers and help develop the builders of tomorrow.

Core Responsibilities

60% Govern all Trade Promotion Effectiveness processes for the Nordic market

• Drive promotional uplift and effectiveness analysis for the Nordic market (pre- and post event): understand customer needs and objectives for Trade Promotion support and articulate these needs into performance reports. Provide recommendations for account teams based on pre-and post analysis of trade promotion activities

• Ensure Trade Promotions are recorded and managed according to agreed processes

• Drive the development of promotional insights, trade marketing ideas and best practices sharing for the Nordic market

• Share and implement best practice with / from other key markets in collaboration with European and Global Trade Promotion effectiveness colleagues

40% Bespoke Customer Development Support

• End-to-end ownership of the Nordic business review process (between Marketing and Sales)

• Support implementation of global promotional guidelines and strategy and guide Nordic team in developing promotional strategies

• Support Sales leadership team with ad-hoc reporting

• Govern Customer Hierarchy set-up: change implementation and maintenance

• Drive Customer Pulse process

Play your part in our team success

• The Sales Intelligence Analyst is part of the Customer Development team, which is integrated in the Nordics Sales team. The role exists in order to improve trade promotion effectiveness within the Nordic commercial activities, and it is an important interface across functions: Sales, Brand, Trade, Finance and Operations.

• The main focus areas of the Customer Development team are: implementation of global processes and strategies in the market, driving the customer business plan and customer pulse processes, the local business review process, supporting the Nordic Sales Team through analysis and insight and trade promotional effectiveness.

Do you have what it takes?

• Master’s degree in Economics / Business Administration, Econometrics or Statistics

• Evidence of very strong analytical capabilities, data management and process improvements

• +4 years of experience with BI or business / sales analyst roles, from either a retail or manufacturing environment

• Strong commercial understanding and experience

• Excellent communication and networking skills: good written and oral presentation skills

• Ability to perform independently

• Interpersonal and creative problem-solving skills

• Proficient in computer software skills especially Excel, Power Point

• Proficient in statistical programs (Power BI, Tableau) and SAP is an advantage

• Drive, stamina and impact

• Ability to drive and track results and push for constant improvements

• Good (own) time management skills

• Work effectively with others and perform as a team player

• You are fluent in English. One of the Nordic languages is a plus (DK, FI, NO, SE)

Join the global LEGO family

The LEGO® Group recruits and develops people entirely on merit. If you are confident you have what it takes to succeed in this role – and you share our commitment to creativity, collaboration, and quality – use the APPLY NOW button above or below. Please remember to attach your application and current CV.

If you would like to know more about the position, please contact Daniela V. Mouritsen, Sr. Customer Development Manager, on +45 5234 7945


This is a fantastic opportunity for someone who would love to work with one of the strongest brands in the world aiming to inspire the builders of tomorrow. In this position, you can look forward to using your analytical skills and best practice to analyse and recommend future courses of actions based on promotional performance and insight.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S

source: DK-STAR


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