Arbejde Project Manager for Public Sector, with focus on customer and user value Midtjylland SYSTEMATIC A/S - jobtilbud
Project Manager for Public Sector, with focus on customer and user value
You have a well-developed business sense. You also have excellent leadership qualities and extensive experience in project management of IT system development projects. The job As our new project manager, you will have the overall responsibility for the implementation of complex, long-term solutions, used by customers and partners in the public sector. You will work with a number of talented colleagues, who will continuously incorporate the latest knowledge about project and programme management to ensure the successful delivery of advanced and demanding projects to our customers. The position requires that you are able to continuously develop the business relationship with our current customers and projects. You will be responsible for a project and for completing the project to the agreed deadline and quality in our highly customer-oriented environment. You will be tasked with establishing excellent and close relationships with Systematic's stakeholders, both internally and externally and you will ensure the greatest possible customer satisfaction. You will give the highest priority your responsibility for employee engagement and development, and maintaining your team's performance. You must also be prepared to carry out tasks at the customers from time to time. Your skills and personality The successful candidate: •Has 3-5 years of experience as project manager with responsibility for IT system development projects and/or services/consultant tasks within the IT sector •Has experience in managing IT projects in a hectic environment with fixed deadlines and is able to keep a cool head during a busy work day •Is excellent at combining commercial insight with IT technical skills and can provide documentation demonstrating the completion of major IT projects •Ideally, is knowledgeable/has experience in the public sector •Is outgoing and excellent at communicating with our external customers •Has knowledge of flexible working methods such as Scrum and Kanban, and is experienced in using tools such as JIRA, JIRA Agile (Greenhopper) and Rational Team Concert •Has an IT-related university degree and competencies corresponding to PMI, Prince2 or IPMA level B/C •Has the will and ability to create commercial results •Has managerial experience and the ability to guide and motivate others You are ambitious and you raise the bar to new heights. You have the will and the ability to continuously develop, and as a team player you contribute to the continuous development of both team and company. You have a positive approach, you are engaged, flexible and diplomatic. You are fluent in both written and spoken Danish and English. Systematic offers Our IT solutions make it simpler for the users to make critical decisions. In the defence and healthcare sectors, critical decisions are often life-and-death decisions. To be able to continue the development of solutions that customers trust, we continuously challenge each other, our work processes and technologies. We have a highly pro-active education and training policy with defined career paths and internal pro-active Knowledge Networks. We stay constantly focused on making everything better. Our unique combination of strong principles from CMMI and the best aspects of LEAN and Scrum enable us to develop reliable, high-quality solutions for our customers and to deliver them to the agreed price and deadline. We work in teams and some of our teams include well-integrated insourced developers. We prioritise a sensible balance between work and private life and our agile approach provides you with an excellent opportunity of being able to plan your own tasks and working hours to a large extent. We value social cohesion at the workplace and have a very active staff association. Because we also work with security classified projects, all Systematic personnel must have security clearance. Learn more at Workplace: Aarhus Commencement: By Appointment You ar
Arbejdsgiver Navn: SYSTEMATIC A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 89432000
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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