Arbejde Postdoctoral position in ‘Metal oxides for high performing organic and hybrid photovoltaics’ unspecified Syddansk Universitet - jobtilbud

id: NDg2ODA2MyA3

reference: 4868063

documentId: 4868063

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1535014984136

Postdoctoral position in ‘Metal oxides for high performing organic and hybrid photovoltaics’


We are an international research group working in the field of organic and hybrid solar cells (SDU NanoSYD OPV group), which are looking for a highly motivated postdoc to join our research team at University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Sønderborg, working in the field of metal oxides for organic, perovskite and silicon solar cells. The position is available as soon as possible, for a two-year period.

The postdoc position is a part of the Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond research project "Reactively sputtered metal oxides for high performance photovoltaics - ReactPV", which is being led by SDU and conducted in collaboration with Aarhus University, UC Berkeley, LBNL Berkeley, IMEC and Sorbonne University of Paris. The main goals of the project are to develop high performance and stable metal oxides that work as interfacial layers for both electrons and holes in organic, perovskite and silicon solar cells. The techniques in focus are reactive sputtering, thin-film PV device fabrication and characterization alongside photoelectron spectroscopy characterization such as UPS and XPS.

As a postdoc you are expected to develop and carry out your own ideas, and communicate scientific results in leading, high-ranked research journals.

At the Organic Photovoltaics group lead by Assoc. Prof. Morten Madsen at SDU NanoSYD, Mads Clausen Institute in Sønderborg, the focus is on development of flexible photovoltaic devices with improved performance, including device stability and up-scaling. The group has full access to an ISO 5 cleanroom and surface science laboratory facilities for the full preparation and characterization of organic solar cells, and a production facility for roll-to-roll development of flexible devices. The research group is partner in various national and international research projects and networks that include both university and industry collaboration partners.

Candidates who have a PhD degree in a field relevant to the mentioned project may seek the position. Preferred candidates have experience with device physics, organic and/or perovskite thin-film device fabrication and characterization, and especially development and characterization of metal oxide thin films. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the work, the candidate is expected to have excellent collaboration skills. A very good capability of communicating scientific results in English, both orally and in writing is required. Research visits at the collaborating partners are expected.

For further information please contact:
Associate professor Morten Madsen, e-mail: madsen (at)

Please be aware that we will not accept any email applications, as all applications must be submitted through the SDU online recruitment system.

Requirements for the position
Employment as a postdoc requires scientific qualifications at PhD level.

Applications will be assessed by an expert. Applicants will be informed of their assessment by the Faculty.
An interview might be part of the assessment process.

Conditions of employment
Employment as a postdoc is temporary. The employment will cease without further notice at the end of the period.

Employment is governed by the Protocol on PhD Research Fellows signed by the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations.

Research will be predominant in the position. Teaching assignments can be agreed individually. Furthermore, other types of assignments may occur to a limited degree.

The Faculty determines the distribution of the various assignments. The weighting of the different assignments may vary over time.

Your application must be uploaded through the link “Apply Online”. Attached files must be in Adobe PDF or Word format. Please read guidelines for applicants.

All pdf-files must be unlocked and allow binding and may not be password protected.

In case you have more than one file per field you need to combine the pdf-files into a single file, as each field handles only one file.

Each box can only contain a single file of max. 10 Mb.

The applications must include:

• Application
• Curriculum Vitae
• Certificates/Diplomas (MSc, PhD) - Danish or English transcripts
• Information on previous teaching experience, please attach as Teaching portfolio
• List of publications indicating the publications attached
• Examples of the most relevant publications. Please attach one pdf-file for each publication, a possible co-author statement must be a part of this pdf-file

The University wishes our staff to reflect the diversity of society and thus welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.

The application must be in English.

Further information for international applicants about entering and working in Denmark.

Further information about The Faculty of Engineering.

numberOfPosts: 1


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positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Syddansk Universitet

source: DK-STAR


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