Arbejde PLM IT Senior Consultant unspecified LEGO SYSTEM A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4946854
documentId: 4946854
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1550237284833
stillingsbetegnelse: PLM IT Senior Consultant
Are you passionate about Product Development, business processes and The LEGO Brand in general?
As a PLM IT Senior Consultant at LEGO, you will have the opportunity to work in a global company, close to the product and with a broad interface around the total value chain.
Core Responsibilities
• Key role in upcoming iconic technology initiatives across IT and product development teams where a new PLM is scoped
• Be able to translate the business processes and requirements into technical solutions while at the same time balancing process changes and standard components
• Develop and implement solutions which cater for consistency, scalability and confidentiality across Products
• Secure technology solutions are implemented according to architectural principles
• Bridge and challenge both IT and business to deliver global end-to-end solutions within core product development
• Collaborate with business decision makers to establish and accelerate best practice business strategy implementation
Play your part in our team succeeding
Product & Digital Asset Management develops and maintains systems to handle development of products, components and digital assets used at the production plants and in the markets. We also deliver digital asset management systems as well as product information management solutions to our own channels such as B2B, and LEGO brand retail stores.
Together with key stakeholders in business & IT we deliver target architecture, roadmaps, value assessments and solutions.
Product information is an increasingly important discipline to master as the requirements to support product development processes are expanding.
The core product development processes includes several steps maturing the product information in the full product life cycle from development towards logistics, markets and digital business.
Requirements are operational speed but at the same time securing confidentiality and flexibility.
You will be part of the marketing department in Business Technology (Corporate IT). Here, you support the novelty development of the LEGO Group and all related supporting IT processes. This includes:
• Collaborate with business decision makers to establish and accelerate best practice business strategy implementation
• Taking lead in translating business requirements into solid IT solutions, including priorities, planning, execution, testing and implementation
• Serving as the domain expert in your process area and protect, develop and coordinate Product Development and Master Data structures, processes and application at global level and aligned with the over-all company and IT strategy
Do you have what it takes?
The ideal candidate has:
• An academic degree in Engineering, Information Management, Computer Science or similar
• Minimum 5+ years of experience in a lead PLM role, understanding the end-to-end main processes in a core product development domain
• Proven record for driving successful implementation in balance between business and IT strategies and business plans
• Expertise in: configuration, customization, testing and certification for production release, providing clear and defined deliverable for business, preferable SAP
• Proven hands on expertise and experience in:
- all aspects in PLM applications and data management
- Implementing one or more PLM solutions
- Data Modelling
- Architecting solutions
Furthermore, we are looking for a person who:
• Communicate, present and collaborate at high level.
• Demonstrate ability to be a team player; work well with others; contribute positively to work/team environment while continually seek ways to enhance contribution to the team
• Has the ability to focus and orchestra to success but also stay solid where needed
• Thrive working with end-to-end mindset and holistic views
• Excellent oral and written communication in English
Join the global LEGO family
The LEGO® Group recruits and develops people entirely on merit. If you are confident you have what it takes to succeed in this role – and you share our commitment to creativity, collaboration, and quality – use the APPLY NOW button above or below. Please remember to attach your application and current CV.
“This is a unique opportunity to accelerate your carrier within Product Lifecycle Management in one of the most successful toy companies in the world using the newest Digital Technologies inspired by children's play, learning and having fun”
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEGO SYSTEM A/S
source: DK-STAR
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