Arbejde Part-time Moderator unspecified MOVIESTARPLANET ApS - jobtilbud

id: NDkyMjM2OSA3

reference: 4922369

documentId: 4922369

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1545390188876

stillingsbetegnelse: Part-time Moderator


German speaking Part-time Moderator
Customer Service and online safety for children’s gaming and social networking sites

About The Job
MovieStarPlanet, one of the world’s most popular online games and social networking sites for tweens, is looking for Moderators. If you have an interest in online games and communities, and believe children should be able to have a fun and safe online experience, then apply to join our dedicated team.
We are specifically looking for fluent speakers of German.

Requirement: You need to be at least 18 years old, live in Denmark and and meet the required qualifications below, to be able to work as Moderator. 

As a Moderator at MovieStarPlanet you will focus on offering a positive experience in customer service and on keeping the site safe and fun for the users. You will be responsible for the daily operation of customer service and moderation. You will join a team of Moderators from around the world, managed by Support Managers, providing a diverse and fun environment for the exchange of ideas.
Starting at 10 hours per week, with the possibility of more hours going forward, you will primarily work from home but could also, occasionally, work from our office in Copenhagen. If you are only in Denmark temporarily e.g. as an exchange student you are still eligible to apply.

About You
You will be structured in your approach and have excellent online communication skills. You are comfortable using the Office package (or similar tools), able to handle a large quantity of data, and make fast decisions.
Ideally you have previous experience in online customer service and/or online safety with our target group. Most of all you should be dedicated, reliable and a great team-player.

You are responsible, loyal and want to provide a lot of energy into the job - during weekdays as well as weekends since you will be required to work on weekends as well as school holidays. As a person you are independent, descerning, self-disciplined, with excellent English language skills.

About Us
MovieStarPlanet ApS is the company behind the games and social networks MovieStarPlanet, BooniePlanet and BlockStarPlanet targeted for kids aged 8-13 years. In the virtual worlds, users design their own MovieStar, BlockStar or Boonie avatar, which is used to play the games and have fun with friends.

Some of the key features include dress-up, chat with friends, create looks, make movies and scrapbooks, design clothes, build worlds and prefabs and play mini-games.

Launched in Denmark in 2009, MovieStarPlanet ApS has experienced explosive growth. Currently, the games are live in 16 countries across 11 European markets as well as the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Globally we rank among the most popular virtual worlds for the target group with more than 300 million registered profiles.

MovieStarPlanet ApS employs around 120 staff at the Headquarter based in the attractive surroundings of the new and modern part of Copenhagen called Ørestad, located very close to the city center and the metro line. Corporate language is English.

Why Work With Us?
Touch the lives of millions of kids every day, and be part of a fast-growing company, producing one of the most popular games and social networks in the world for kids.

Your colleagues are highly qualified, creative, and friendly people. We are ambitious and strive to develop and support the world’s most inspiring social network for kids by delivering safe digital entertainment for fun, creativity, and sharing. We believe in learning by doing and taking ownership of tasks and projects, so you will be given a lot of freedom and responsibility from day one!

We have around 20 nationalities working with us, which provides a vibrant atmosphere. We value diversity and believe this contributes to a greater variety of viewpoints, a broader range of individual talents and professional experience.

Our passion for people and the products make us an inspiring, fun, casual and challenging place to work and creates an environment where ideas can flourish.

‘Social’ is both what we do and who we are – so every week there is a social event going on ranging from Friday bars to casual game nights to running clubs. We have a canteen in the building so lunch is served just downstairs and we offer free fruit and healthy snacks daily. For our future foreign colleagues, it could be interesting to know that we offer 5 weeks of vacation for all nationalities (paid when earned), free child 1st sick day and the right to take up to 52 weeks of combined parental leave.

So, if you want to work with passionate colleagues who care for kids and work hard every day to give them the best platform to have fun with their friends then MovieStarPlanet is the right place for you.

How To Apply
Please apply for this position online by clicking the "Apply for this position" button. Your application should contain the following:
• A cover letter – including a short abstractJV_description of your educational background, professional experience and why you are motivated to work at MovieStarPlanet
• CV and exam results

Application deadline is as soon as possible. We will be holding interviews at the earliest convenience.

Apply for this opening Apply with Linkedin Apply with Indeed

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MOVIESTARPLANET ApS

source: DK-STAR


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