Arbejde Nutrition research scientist in Gut Health & Disease - Aarhus unspecified ARLA FOODS AMBA - jobtilbud

id: NDk2MTk3MCA3

reference: 4961970

documentId: 4961970

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1552992711503

Nutrition research scientist in Gut Health & Disease - Aarhus


Are you the scientific expert who will take the lead in our research within Gut Health & Disease in Arla Foods Ingredients, R&D? Can you apply your experience from academia to drive research projects related to novel dairy ingredients in collaboration with external academic collaborators? Then join the Nutrition & Health team within Discover, at Arla Foods Ingredients (AFI) R&D department. AFI is an independent company within the Arla Foods Group and a global leader in whey and dairy ingredients for infant-, medical-, sports- and general nutrition.

About the job

As our new Nutrition research scientist, you will become a part of the Nutrition & Health team in Discover, R&D that studies interaction between health, nutrition and effect of novel dairy ingredients across life-span (from infancy to elderly). Your responsibilities will be to:

  • Work as AFI project manager in close collaboration with external university research groups
  • Be responsible for defining and executing research projects related to AFI's research strategy on Gut Health & Disease
  • Proactively assess new data and tendencies in relation to Gut Health & Disease linked to nutrition, and contribute to new research initiatives
  • Act as one point of entry into R&D on gastrointestinal effects of dairy ingredients
  • Contribute with nutrition research competences in NPD projects
  • Create network with academia and across AFI

This is your exciting chance to fingerprint and drive development of ingredients that support infant gut development, adult/elderly optimal nutrient bioavailibility, and alleviate intestinal disease symptoms through medical nutrition.

Who are you?

We are looking for a candidate with a PhD degree (or equivalent background), preferably with >+2 postdoctoral experience in (applied) gut health scientific biomedical research. You are proficient in a gut health scientific setting (such as molecular medicine, nutrition, molecular- or microbiology, pharmacology or biochemistry). In addition, you have experience in several of the following areas

  1. Experience with human intervention trials & animal models in relation to gastrointestinal tract physiology and pathology
  2. Assessed microbiota and - metabolite changes related to gut health & disease
  3. Experience with in vitro and/or in vivo models of digestion, intestinal absorption and systemic bioavailability of nutrients
  4. Knowledge on gut histology
  5. Demonstrated skills within data handling of complex large data sets.
  6. Collaborated with experts across scientific disciplines as project manager.

You have an out-going and open-minded personality and you like to work both independently and in a team. The work environment is international with several different nationalities. We value a warm, trustworthy, and innovative atmosphere. The workplace is at AFI's Headquarters, Sønderhøj 10-12.

Application and contact

Please apply before the 5th of April. For additional information about the position, please contact Senior R&D Manager Marie Stampe Ostenfeld, Nutrition&Health, at +45 72 17 79 26.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: ARLA FOODS AMBA

source: DK-STAR


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