Arbejde Nets are looking for a Incident Manager unspecified NETS Denmark A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk1OTY2MiA3

reference: 4959662

documentId: 4959662

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1552552059026

stillingsbetegnelse: Nets are looking for a Incident Manager


Passionated about working in IT Business Support (ITBS)?

ITBS is a Nordic one-point-of entry 24/7 function for all customers internal and external to Nets. We are responsible for Monitoring, Incident-, Change-, Problem Management. 

ITBS is on top of all events, incidents, changes and problems. We are responsible for an aligned and structured communication internally as well as externally towards our customers - ensuring one voice in all our communication. 

Nets (ITBS) is looking for an experienced Incident Manager with engagement and drive that can help us expanding and upskilling our Incident Management function. 

Being able to assist in daily operational tasks as well as handle and drive Major incidents on a nordic level. 

The ITBS team consists of 36 engaged employees, and you will be part of our 24/7/365 coverage of our services, working hours are 32,5 hours per week - working place will be at our office in Ballerup, Denmark.


Want to be our new colleague and fill in an important role?

Your key responsibilities in this role will be:

  • Accountable for all IT incidents.
  • Ensuring end-to-end ownership and accountability throughout the lifecycle of the incident.
  • Manage Incident communications to ensure customers and internal stakeholders are being kept up to date with relevant information.
  • Responsible for ensuring current and correct data quality in critical incidents, within the Service Management Tool.
  • Close collaboration with Resolver teams, Change Management and Problem management.
  • Facilitating Task force meetings and Post Incident Reviews.
  • Communitcation skills. Able to inform across technical personel, business teams and customers.


We are looking for talented people with ambitions and passion for what they are doing!

Your professional background include that you have a minimum 5 - 10 years’ experience within Incident Management, including knowledge and/or experience from the IT industry. 

You should have an IT Technical background and ITIL certification is a plus. 

Our corporate language is English, therefore it’s a must that you are fluent in English skills, both written and oral.


Your personal qualifications include:

  • You thrive in a busy, fast paced team environment and keep a level head during busy periods.
  • You fight to solve the incidents/tasks and ensure cooperation at all levels.
  • You act and like working within a team as well as your are able to take decision and lead the way.
  • Even in the most challenging situations, you have a positive attitude and clear in your communication towards all parties.
  • You are service minded and you have an outside-in perspective solving problems.
  • Are used to / willing to work in shift rotation.
  • Your career driven by curiosity and customer insights.


At Nets, we are working towards realising a one-company approach to development, innovation and doing business, where you’ll be encouraged to think across borders and business areas to find new ways of merging our products, new technologies and market trends into innovative new solutions. 

We want to attract, develop and engage the best talent, which means that at Nets, you’ll be working with colleagues across the Nordics. Whether it is innovation or operation that makes you tick, our company structure allows you to build your own career and grow in a business that encompasses all aspects of the digital payment value chain. We work in a thriving environment characterized by team play and informality and with plenty of social activities within sports, culture and social network. 

Please send your application right now or as fast as possible.


If you are interested in hearing more about this opportunity please contact Head of Incident Management Maximilian C. Ringslev - mcrin (at) 


At Nets, we specialise in powering digital payments. We connect banks, businesses and consumers via an international network facilitating digital payments. Spanning across the Nordic region, we provide a broad range of card services, account payment services and merchant payment solutions. We offer great payments, great ideas, great network - delivered by great people. 

About 2,500 dedicated colleagues work at Nets throughout the Nordic region. As the backbone of the Nordic payments ecosystem with solutions touching people's everyday lives, we have experts in every field from law to heavy back-end programming. Our size and diversity opens up great opportunities for our employees to move forward in their careers and their skills and professional interest develop. 

We believe that personal freedom is the key to a dynamic and innovative working environment. We therefore inspire people to think and act independently and creatively. Along with the individual freedom comes a strong tradition of teamwork. Working closely together across professions and borders is an essential part of our culture and a natural part of our complex services.



numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: NETS Denmark A/S

source: DK-STAR


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