Arbejde Global Process Manager Rewards unspecified MAERSK LINE A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDkzODM4OSA3

reference: 4938389

documentId: 4938389

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1548926590780

stillingsbetegnelse: Global Process Manager Rewards


• Have you got solid experience in Process Management?

• Are you strategic, proactive and collaborative?

• Would you like to be part of a dynamic organisation and team?

Then you may be the right person for this unique opportunity.

We offer

As part of the vision to become the global integrator of container logistics, Maersk is redesigning its HR service delivery and operating model and technology in order for HR to become a truly global function and deliver great employee experience.

The future HR operating model and global technology implementation will be enabled through global HR processes across brands, geographies and employee segments.

We are looking for an experienced Process Manager who can drive the design and continuous improvement of global, standard and effective processes in the area of Rewards, in alignment with the Centres of Excellence in order to deliver a great employee experience.

In this position you will play a critical role in the transformation of HR into a global function for Maersk brands across 130+ countries. 

You will report to the Head of HR Effectiveness. You will have a unique opportunity to stretch your capabilities and project toolbox by learning from, sparring with and building lasting relationships with diverse and professional colleagues, based in Headquarters and globally.

Key responsibilities

As Process Manager for Rewards your primary responsibilities will include: 

• Design and ownership of end-to-end processes support the strategy outlined by the CoE and contribute to our goal of becoming One Maersk

• Develop set of metrics and dashboards to monitor the process outcomes, the health of the process and enable improvements

• Ensure high-quality training of all roles involved in the assigned area of process responsibility

• Co-create implementation plan for rollout of standard processes in alignment with new technology and organization deployment plans

• Proactively collaborate with delivery teams all over the world to identify and deliver continuous improvement initiatives in the assigned area of responsibility

• Deliver process improvements that ensure compliant, high quality, efficient processes that result in a great employee experience 

• Build and nurture a team culture of mutual trust, collaboration and common drive for results

We are looking for

• You are an experienced Process Manager with a proven outcome-focused mindset. You are strategic, proactive and collaborative, and have an ability to lift beyond functional needs to the bigger picture and results.

• You are passionate about simplifying people’s lives. Ideally you have a certification in Lean, Six Sigma or similar.

• You are self-driven, proactive, curious and thrive in complex stakeholder landscapes. You are able to drive initiatives across geographies balancing the sometimes-conflicting sets of needs from your various stakeholders.

• You are known for your being a great communicator and for being able to translate complex issues into pragmatic solutions and easy-to-understand language.

• You are a team player, resilient and emotionally mature.

Experience in cloud-technology implementation is an advantage.

Written and spoken English fluency is a prerequisite for this position. 

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: MAERSK LINE A/S

source: DK-STAR


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