Arbejde Marine Engineer for evacuation systems Syddanmark VIKING LIFE-SAVING EQUIPMENT - jobtilbud
We’re growing fast – but we never compromise on the details VIKING’s evacuation systems protect passengers and crew on the world’s largest cruise ships as well as workers on the most advanced offshore platforms. With 50 years in the industry, we’re still growing – and developing more new products than ever before. One thing we never compromise on, however, is quality. And we need people like you to help ensure our products always meet the strictest standards for design, testing and documentation. What’s the job? We’re currently looking for a qualitied engineer to join our MES Engineering department, which has technical responsibility for all our marine evacuation systems, and comprises 15 employees in Denmark and Thailand. You will be assigned your own product range, and it’s your responsibility to make sure that everything works just as it should from idea to installation. For example, you might be asked to take an existing evacuation system and scale its capacity up or down – or solve a key issue related to installation. Taking into account relevant data on ships, sea conditions, emergency situations and more, you would be responsible for the project every step of the way, monitoring design, testing and documentation. You would work with our R&D department, too, contributing your specialist know-how and making sure nothing is overlooked as new ideas are developed or critical issues are resolved. Your tasks Manage engineering projects for customer-specific solutions Manage modifications and improvements for systems in operation Participate in R&D projects for new evacuation systems, including product testing Resolve issues for and with our customers Have you got what it takes? We expect you to be an experienced engineer with a flair for project management. You know about, and are interested in engineering and product development, and have worked with different processes on both cross-organisational and international projects. You’ll need all your skills in your analytical toolbox to manage your product category. You know that success is in the details, and you think in terms of consequences, tracking and follow-up – after all, your diligence may end up saving lives at sea. You are an analytical and structured person who enjoys being in control, working with everyone from R&D to marketing, suppliers and customers, addressing issues that are sometimes technical, sometimes user- or situation-oriented. If deadlines demand it, you are prepared to go the extra mile, organising your work to meet requirements on time. Above all, you need to have a sharp eye for details and a complete focus on quality. Apply now If this sounds like a job for you, send your application marked “Marine Engineer” to jobs (at) as soon as possible. If you have any questions, feel free to contact René Pedersen, MES Engineering Manager at tel. +45 2542 8151. We need engineers in all disciplines to help us grow! If you like what you hear about the company, but think another position would suit you better, send your CV to jobs (at), marked “Engineering jobs” and we’ll be in touch.
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 76118100
Sådan ansøger: jobs (at)
land: Danmark
region: Syddanmark
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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