Arbejde Lead Consultant - Forecast-to-Plan (Anaplan Interface Designer) unspecified DANFOSS A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4905203
documentId: 4905203
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1542200174610
Lead Consultant - Forecast-to-Plan (Anaplan Interface Designer)
Job Description
Do you want to work with the very latest planning tools within Sales, Inventory and Operation Planning (SIOP) and forecasting processes using latest cloud-based solutions? Do you have a strong interest in keeping up with the newest technologies, and know how to integrate different IT solutions? Can you translate Danfoss business needs into concepts and concrete IT solutions utilizing SAP ERP and Anaplan functionality? Then keep on reading, as we might have the perfect career opportunity for you as our new IT Consultant within Sales, Inventory and Operation Processes.
Danfoss Group IT is looking for an ambitious consultant to join our digitalization journey. SIOP is changing the way the tactical planning tools are used to fulfill the gaps around BI and SAP. Danfoss is about to integrate a cloud solution for business planning to S/4 HANA.
Work with the smartest people and the newest technologies
Anaplan is an innovative modelling platform built as a multi-tenant cloud system (SaaS) using in-memory technology. Model building is performed with excel-like formulas for powerful multi-dimensional modeling. The SIOP solution will be an integral part of our ERP ecosystem and fetches data from BI, SAP ERP systems and loads the final forecast and stock settings in ERP.
You will work with latest IT technologies in a global team, together with other consultants and software engineers, in close contact with colleagues within Danfoss Group IT and the Business Segments. You will have a chance to shape our future.
Your key areas of responsibility:
As a Forecast-to-Plan Consultant you are responsible to create optimized solutions on the combined OneERP SAP & Anaplan platform. Furthermore you:
- Translate existing solutions, spreadsheets, and business problems into sophisticated data structures to be used in Anaplan´s multi-dimensional models
- Serve as a logical expert for large scale connected planning solutions
- Understand complex logic and data transfer routines
- Take responsibility in data integration and migration solutions
- Specify interfaces towards multiple ERP SAP systems, from which source data is extracted
- Have knowledge of SAP DS interface services, which is the tool we use for data transfer
- Document solutions and developments
- Coordinate effectively with project team members and business stakeholders
The successful candidate
Besides your analytical and bright mindset, you will have an expert role in providing the business with the smartest, ground breaking and state-of-the-art solutions and processes allowing them to pursue their individual goals. There is more than one way into this position, your educational background could be from various backgrounds such as Finance, Engineering, Mathematics, Sales or IT, most importantly, you have the ability to work detailed with big data, and at the same time zoom out to provide relevant output to stakeholders from all over Danfoss. Moreover, you have:
- Experience with business planning solutions (SIOP)
- Good knowledge in Business Intelligence reporting
- Good understanding of data integration (inbound and outbound), cloud technologies and ERP platforms
- Excellent problem solving and analytical skills
- Desire to work with a truly dynamic, multinational and exciting team, with “up your sleeve” approach
You are:
- Service minded and good at taking initiative and adapting to new situations
- Result oriented, motivated and self-starter
Finally, you have a strong desire to grow your competencies by gaining exposure in multiple business entities across the world and communicates effortlessly in both written and oral English.
What Danfoss offers
Robust structures, quick decision-making paths and an organizational culture that encourages achievement based on trust, together with a lot of freedom to implement your own ideas is the professional environment that we are offering to you. In these exciting times, you have the chance to actively participate in the development and execution of innovative business strategies on a national and international scale.
For further information about the position, please contact, Manager, Forecast to Plan, Jan Ulrik Nielsen +45 3093 9341.
Please apply at your earliest convenience. We do not have an application deadline but accept applications as long as the job is posted. The position will be closed once we have found the right candidate.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: DANFOSS A/S
source: DK-STAR
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