Arbejde INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY: HUMAN RIGHTS AND BUSINESS - SPRING 2019 unspecified Institut for Menneskerettigheder -Danmarks Nationale Menneskerettighedsinstitution - jobtilbud
reference: 4903663
documentId: 4903663
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1541766664236
The Danish Institute for Human Rights is looking for two interns to work with the human rights and business department.
As an intern at the Danish Institute for Human Rights’ Corporate Engagement, you will get a good understanding of international human rights work as well as access to a network of human rights experts. Furthermore, you will be acquainted with international human rights project implementation and develop skills and competences in project management. Please consult for a general introduction to the Danish Institute for Human Rights.
As our new intern you will be assigned a supervisor, and will assist our corporate engagement project-teams. The internship will train your ability to apply theory in practice, not least via participation in the following tasks:
• Research on
- human rights topics related to various business sectors
- country specific human rights and business issues
- human rights impact assessment, grievance mechanisms and other ad-hoc human rights and business related topics
• Analysis and mapping of
- company policies and procedures
- existing initiatives or corporate ‘best practice’
• Translation of complex human rights principles and standards to actionable recommendations for companies
To ensure sustainable global development based on human rights, we believe that the human rights community and the business community must work together. In The Corporate Engagement Programme we work directly with companies to help them minimize the negative and maximize the positive human rights impacts of their operations at the global, country and project level.
In case of questions about the position, please contact the programme manager, Signe Andreasen Lysgaard, sigl (at)
The Business & Accountability Programme focuses on strengthening implementation of human rights standards in relation to economic activities at the national level and supporting relevant mechanisms at international and regional levels. As our new intern, you will be assigned a supervisor and be a part of:
- research on national and international legal and policy frameworks relating to business and human rights. This might include research in relation to national action plans on business and human rights, gender and business and human rights, development finance, public procurement, remedial mechanisms, the role of business in the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development etc.
- the development of tools and guidance on human rights and business particularly targeted at state actors;
- supporting country-level projects;
- the development of materials on national human tights institutions (NHRIs).
- ad-hoc tasks in relation to on-going project work.
In case of questions about the position, please contact the programme manager, Elin Wrzoncki, elwr (at)
- A high standard first (BA) degree in human rights, law, political science, development studies or related field
- Prior experience or academic interest in human rights and/or sustainable development
- Excellent written and spoken English. Fluency in Spanish and/or French is a strong asset
- Knowledge or experience working in a business setting is an advantage
- Experience relating to development NGOs or human rights through extra-curricular activities, or other voluntary social activities, will be an advantage
- Experienced user of Microsoft package (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
- Solid communication skills (both written and oral)
It is a prerequisite that you are enrolled in a university degree or programme. Merit (university accreditation) is a requirement for interns enrolled at a Danish university. International students (or students based outside of Denmark) should be aware that this is an unpaid position and we thus encourage those international students who can access a grant/scholarship to apply.
The positions are full-time positions based in Copenhagen. We offer up to six months internships starting in February 2019. Duration and starting date can be negotiated. Our internships do not entail salary. The Danish Institute for Human Rights appreciates diversity in the workplace. If qualified, we strongly encourage you to apply for the position
Deadline for applications is 18 November 2018 at 23.59 (GMT+1). Please make use of the link on the website. We expect to conduct interviews most likely via Skype within 10 days after the application deadline.
numberOfPosts: 2
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn:
Institut for Menneskerettigheder -Danmarks Nationale Menneskerettighedsinstitution
source: DK-STAR
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