Arbejde Internship in Purchasing Service Centre, Novo Nordisk Hovedstaden Novo Nordisk A/S - jobtilbud

Internship in Purchasing Service Centre, Novo Nordisk

- Student & Internship - Denmark - Bagsværd At Novo Nordisk, we share a passion for changing patients’ lives, and we are always looking for talented individuals who want to join us in this effort. Our internships provide exciting learning opportunities for students who bring new ways of thinking to our company. About the department The Purchasing Service Centre (PSC) is part of Corporate Procurement (CP) and we are responsible for the purchasing process for indirect spend in Novo Nordisk. We work closely together with our procurement colleagues in the CP organisation, Global Service Centre in Bangalore, our internal customers being the employees in Novo Nordisk, and the external suppliers. The job You will be responsible for both your own projects (with supervision) and supporting other projects that will improve the procurement-to-Pay process in Novo Nordisk. You will deliver best practice results in co-operation with many of the internal and external stakeholders while achieving ambitious goals. You will work closely together with your team colleagues in Denmark and Bangalore and stakeholders to resolve issues and improve and develop our processes and results. Qualifications We are looking for an intern who is passionate about supply chain. You are currently studying on your master’s degree in supply chain management, business administration, economics, engineering or other relevant field. General knowledge of supply chain management and key methodologies (database analysis, big data-analysis, process improvements) preferred. You have strong analytical skills, are fluent in written and spoken English and computer literate. You thrive in a busy environment, bring a can-do attitude, and while being a team player, it is important that you are able to work independently. Finally, you must have strong work ethic and willingness to take responsibility for your own learning. Practicalities Requirement: Students in their first or second year of their master studies. Period: The internship position is a full-time position for 4-6 months. Start date: 1 Jan, 2015 At Novo Nordisk we use our skills, dedication and ambition to help people with diabetes and change their lives. By working with us you will have the opportunity to do the same in a global business environment. Contact For further information, please call Nicolai Thorborg on + 45 3079 5927 or Thomas de Leeuw on + 45 3079 7833. Deadline 5 November 2014.

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Novo Nordisk A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 44448888

land: Danmark

region: Hovedstaden

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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