Arbejde HQ Rewards Specialist unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4925565
documentId: 4925565
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1546597985840
stillingsbetegnelse: HQ Rewards Specialist
Do you want to be part of a team supporting growth through development and continuous optimisation of global rewards initiatives?
LEO Pharma has embarked on a growth journey to become the preferred dermatology care partner in the world. This journey includes exciting global initiatives and organisational development. As a Rewards Specialist for our Headquarters in Denmark (HQ), you will get a chance to influence our company’s ability to turn our ambitious strategies into business results.
Right strategies and best-in-class processes, programmes and tools
In 2017 LEO Pharma’s Board of Directors approved a new rewards strategy as well as a number of initiatives to strengthen the approach to rewards across LEO. You will be a member of the Global Rewards Center of Expertise and translate LEO Pharma’s Global Rewards Strategy into local initiatives at our HQ to help attract, motivate and retain employees. You will be working in a multi-cultural environment and with an organisational setup characterised by change.
Key responsibilities include:
- HQ lead on the implementation of SuccessFactors. Specifically, Compensation and Performance Management.
- Optimize and manage existing reward and benefits programmes and processes to support the business priorities and ensure local compliance.
- Co-develop global frameworks, policies and programmes together with the Global Rewards team.
- Manage HQ reward programmes.
- Perform benchmarking and do market analysis for key positions.
- Drive the annual salary review across HQ, including benchmarking work for salary range setting in Denmark as well as in other countries in LEO Pharma as needed and in cooperation with other colleagues in the Global Rewards team.
- Advise and train managers and HR Business Partners in compensation and benefits policies and on how to apply LEO Pharma’s global job structure based on Mercers IPE framework.
- Drive HQ communication initiatives to support strong anchoring of rewards policies and programmes.
Experience with rewards in a global context
You have experience as a Rewards Specialist or Manager in a global organisation and a strong track record of delivering a broad range of reward initiatives in a complex environment. Ideally this is backed by a relevant Master’s degree (Business Administration, HR, Finance, Economics or similar).
You are skilled in Excel and PowerPoint and have a natural interest in working with numbers and data and translate those into findings and key messages. You understand the importance of having a strong focus on details and you are effective at building relationship with your stakeholders. As you will be engaging with colleagues across the global organisation, it is important that you can communicate effectively and confidently in English.
Your new team
The position is based at our Headquarters in the greater Copenhagen area. As you will be responsible for Compensation & Benefits related matters for our HQ, you will report to the Strategic HR Business Partner, Global Finance and Business Services and have a functional, dotted line to the Director, Global Rewards. That means that you can look forward to a close collaboration with HR Business Partners and Line Managers as well as colleagues in the Global Rewards team.
For questions to the position, please contact Strategic HR Business Partner, Fie Bødker Vensby at + 453139 0771. We look forward to receiving your application no later than 30th of January 2019. We will conduct interviews on an on-going basis.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S
source: DK-STAR
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