Arbejde Head of Planning and Analysis, Stockholm or Copenhagen unspecified NORDEA FINANS DANMARK A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 5002251
documentId: 5002251
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1559910615883
Head of Planning and Analysis, Stockholm or Copenhagen
We are looking for an experienced Team Leader with strong people, change management and financial skills. Together with your team, you will be responsible for relevant, timely and qualitative deliverables on reports, analysis, planning and data to stakeholders in Nordea Technology units. The work requires great problem-solving and communication skills, a high drive and interest in close engagement with stakeholders and a large focus on people motivation and engagement.
This is a great opportunity for you to obtain not only a deep knowledge on the financials in Nordea but also to strengthen your skills in team-building and people motivation.
In today’s world, change is the one thing you can count on. But whatever the future brings, our customers remain at the heart of everything we do.
That’s where you come in. Working with dedicated colleagues in an exciting, fast-paced environment, you’ll help meet our customers’ changing needs.
We aim to be courageous and explorative in our approach to innovating better ways of delivering banking services – anytime, anywhere. This means you’ll have many opportunities to learn and grow as you build your career with us. Will you help us lead the way in creating great customer experiences?
Your future responsibilities
You will join Group Portfolio Management & Change, Planning & Analysis, which is a unit focusing on:
- Activity Planning & Partnering services provides financial planning, follow up and analysis for all Technology areas
- Provides One Truth on technology finances & performance management and proactively supports/challenges financial decisions
- Drives the financial linkage between the technology planning processes
You will be Team lead for around 10-15 dynamic, competent and skilled specialists into IT financial services placed in the Nordics and Poland.
What you will be doing:
- Continuously improve our financial set-up for our services that can be utilised across Nordea
- Focus on people management and securing motivated and high performing team by leading and supporting your employees e.g. coaching, feedback, competence development, training, Performance & Learning Dialogues, knowledge sharing etc.
- Secure value adding analysis which gives an understanding of key business drivers and support the strategic decision-making process at management level
- Support financial transparency within the unit/Group on all aspects of our technology financial services linking technology service offerings to cost drivers
- Identify continuous improvements and process efficiencies to optimise stakeholder value
- Support the performance management and financial planning processes to ensure high quality deliverables and alignment with Group targets and initiatives
- Identify needs for optimising and aligning processes as well as identifying new ways of working
- Drive and participate in cross border task forces and project work
The role will be based in Copenhagen or Stockholm area. Welcome to an experienced team that works over a large range of financial tasks towards Nordea Technology areas in close collaboration with internal stakeholders.
Who you are
Collaboration. Ownership. Passion. Courage. These are the four key values that guide us in being at our best. We imagine that you enjoy learning and are excited about bringing your ideas to the table. You’re dependable, willing to speak up – even when it’s difficult – and committed to empowering others. We are looking for a profile who has proven strong leadership skills in an ever-changing environment. You understand how to truly engage people and set directions to motivate a team. You have financial knowledge and experience and have good networking skills.
Your profile and background:
- Being an experienced leader with focus on empowering teams
- Being proficient in leading, coaching, motivating and developing people
- Having experience with financial and planning processes
- A strong track record of building high performing teams focused on delivering tangible business value with high quality
- Being comfortable in handling and resolving conflicts
- Having a strong drive and a “can do” attitude
- Having excellent social skills and being good at networking
- Strong stakeholder management skills
- Comfortable operating in a large, multicultural and "matrixed" organisation that is geographically dispersed
- Being a great communicator and influencer
- An ability to have a strategic and operational mindset on what needs to be done in the short and long term, combined with a solution-oriented mind-set
- Being fluent in spoken and written English
- Educational background - university degree or equivalent experience
If this sounds like you, get in touch!
More information
At Nordea, we recruit from the widest possible pool and hire the best person for the job. Because diversity makes us stronger, we strive to form teams with a mix of people of different genders and ages, and with different backgrounds and experiences. And once you are on board, you will find that we offer equal opportunities to everyone.
Please submit your application no later than the 24 June 2019. Interviews will be held continuously so please do not hesitate with your application.
For more information about the position, please contact Charlotte Guglielmi, Head of Activity Planning & Partnering services (mail: charlotte.bech.guglielmi (at), phone: +45 61 22 76 46
Great people often know great people – please share if you have a friend who could be a perfect match for this job.
To all recruitment agencies: Please note, we don’t accept unsolicited resumes for any of our positions. All contact regarding agency resumes should be directed to Nordea Talent Acquisition which handles everything related to recruitment.
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
source: DK-STAR
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