Arbejde Global Senior Commercial Forecast Manager unspecified LEO PHARMA A/S - jobtilbud

id: NDk0ODQ5NSA3

reference: 4948495

documentId: 4948495

connectionPointId: 7

lastModificationDate: 1550661735893

stillingsbetegnelse: Global Senior Commercial Forecast Manager


LEO Pharma is on an exciting journey to develop and launch new innovative medicine for patients with dermatological disorders of high unmet need and severity. We are therefore looking to fill a key position in the global launch team that can help ensure commercial and organisational launch readiness globally.

LEO Pharma is developing a biologic phase 3 monoclonal antibody for the treatment of atopic dermatitis (AD). We are therefore looking for a senior forecast manager who will be responsible for driving the forecast process in the global launch team for the new launch as well as for the AD market overall. The position will be reporting to the director of Global Business Intelligence and Insights working closely with the workstream in the global launch team and other key functions.

Overall aim of the position: Implement and drive disease and brand forecast model including key markets by aligning global and regional functions, and key markets by leading the forecast process as well as managing the model.


The senior commercial forecast manager will be the person responsible for managing the atopic dermatitis, psoriasis and new brand launch forecast by market, competitor and disease insights as well as global product strategy through deep knowledge of the environment, market data, market research, interaction with the markets, scientific data and competitive intelligence in global tralokinumab forecast evaluations and for the brands on the Psoriasis market.


Job abstractJV_description

The Global Senior Commercial Forecast Manager provides strong expertise and leadership for the continued development and implementation of a global forecast model. This position requires extensive analytical, structured approach and forecast skills as well as well as the ability to work with senior stakeholders. Prior experience developing and working with a forecast tool, technical skills and implementation of a global forecast model as well as prior experience with engaging with markets from a global function are required.


Qualifications and experience

We expect you to hold MA Degree and 4-8 years of experience in pharma/biotech and/or life science companies

  • Extensive experience with forecasting and development of forecast models
  • Experience working with analytical tools and methodologies and are able to draw strategic conclusions based on your analysis
  • Excellent skills in excel and enjoy to work with statistics and numbers e.g. IQVIA and epidemiology data
  • Experience in project management
  • Experience from multiple marketplaces (global and local)
  • Strong stakeholder management skills
  • Demonstrated ability to work analytical and have a structure approach to problem solving
  • Experience with biological drugs is an advantage 
  • Good at planning, creating structure and driving disciplined execution
  • Fluent in English and have good communication skills


Commercial operations – your new department

The role is in Global marketing and will report to Director, Global Business Intelligence and Insights which is part of Global Commercial Affairs and Excellence. This position leaves you with a large group of stakeholders from all over the organization, and in particular the global launch team and related workstreams.

This position is based out of Ballerup, but you will be working in a truly global environment.

Travel: 10%


Contact & deadline

Deadline for application is the 8th of March 2019. You are welcome with questions to Director, Global Business Intelligence and Insights, Camilla Roeddik Lund at ucadk (at)

We look forward to your application.

numberOfPosts: 1


abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels

positionTypeCode: directhire

contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime

Arbejdsgiver Navn: LEO PHARMA A/S

source: DK-STAR


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