Arbejde Frontend Developer unspecified BESTSELLER A/S - jobtilbud
reference: 4931265
documentId: 4931265
connectionPointId: 7
lastModificationDate: 1547560687106
stillingsbetegnelse: Frontend Developer
We are looking for a true hero; a frontend developer who is an amazing team player, enjoys highly challenging environments, and is passionate about developing solutions with a high focus on meaningful user value in our stores.
We are on a journey towards becoming truly agile. With fast-moving product-oriented teams, BESTSELLER IT is organised to bring closer the people, processes, technology and information required to enable our business to create outstanding results.
The team
You will become part of a new self-organising and high-performing agile team of highly skilled cross-functional colleagues with end-to-end responsibility of specific key products for our business. Our primary focus is the instore ordering solution for all of BESTSELLER's brands. We focus on empowering the stores and the staff by developing innovative store tools, when we spot an opportunity to raise turnover and/or traffic.
We always search for new ways of creating value, while continuously improving our existing solutions focusing on evolutionary architectures and optimizing our deliveries to reach outstanding quality, exquisite development experiences and unprecedented speed of delivery.
In the team in BESTSELLER IT the atmosphere is more like a start-up rather than an IT department with hundreds of colleagues. We have rapid decision processes, there is room for experimenting with new technologies, and we move fast from idea to execution.
The job
Your primary responsibility will be to further develop and improve our frontend for all BESTSELLER retail stores with the end-user in mind. You create new innovative features, while making sure the backbone is in place for smooth scaling as well as ensuring highly reliable systems performance. You and your team have full of these products, following the principle "you build it, you run it".
You develop an understanding of the way our current technical ecosystem works, enabling you to operate on and extend our legacy systems, when needed. Through an event-driven approach, you bridge existing functionalities to the new platforms and technologies. You always aim to deliver immediate business value to our stakeholders while modernizing our technical landscape - in complete alignment with the agile mindset and way of working.
Your profile
As a person, you are curious and have a strong desire to learn. You are naturally interested in new technologies, and you are open to analysing and understanding existing systems and tech stacks in your immediate surroundings. You enjoy the challenge of bridging the "new world" to the old in order to constantly evolve systems and applications, while continuously delivering business value to our customers.
Being part of a small, agile team, it comes natural to you to share your knowledge and to inspire and support your colleagues. You contribute constructively to team discussions, and you enjoy finding creative solutions to complex problems together. With your critical eye and sense for detail, you deliver quality code and take ownership and feel accountable for the team's results.
You have a business mindset and thrive in a role where you collaborate closely with colleagues across the entire business to deliver solutions with the end-user in mind.
Whether you are fresh out of the university or an experienced IT professional, we would love to hear from you! We are looking for an individual who:
- has experience working with data integration
- is familiar with working with API's and web services
- has an understanding of XML and JSON data
- understands the end user perspective and design features with that in mind
- has experience and/or interest in taking responsibility for the full stack of your team's products and their lifecycle management - from coding the actual solution to talking directly to our customers' technical teams and representatives and anything in between (quality assurance, deployment, release management, etc.).
We look forward to hearing from you!
In case you have any further questions, you are welcome to contact Morten Husted on +45 25 51 48 83. Otherwise send us your application and CV as soon as possible and no later than 15th of February 2019. We meet with candidates on an ongoing basis and reserve the right to take down the ad, when we find the right candidate - so act fast and increase your chances of joining our great team!
We are more than 300 people strong with our primary location in Denmark and hubs in Spain and Germany. We are excited about what we do, but there's more to us than our tech stack.
We are young at heart and thrive in a flat organisation. Our teams are agile and empowered with end-to-end responsibility. We want to be at the forefront of the newest technologies, and we move forward together. Every day.
If you want to play a significant part in empowering our business, then welcome to BESTSELLER IT.
BESTSELLER IT is part of the worldwide fashion company BESTSELLER. For more information, please go to
numberOfPosts: 1
abstractJV_contact_0: Please apply using one of the specified channels
positionTypeCode: directhire
contractTypeCodes_0: fulltime
Arbejdsgiver Navn: BESTSELLER A/S
source: DK-STAR
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