Arbejde Experienced Embedded Software Architect and Developer Midtjylland GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S - jobtilbud
Experienced Embedded Software Architect and Developer
Hvad tilbyder vi? Are you a skilled Architect who wants to expand your role into software development? Or a Developer who wants to take on architecture? Would you like to take a main role and be part of one of our skilled software teams that develops software for future Grundfos products? And do you want to work on products, which have a direct impact on the world’s energy consumption and clean water, which are going to be a major topic in the coming years? Then join the High-end Pump Software Department in Bjerringbro, Denmark. We are 6 experienced Software Developers in Denmark, working very close with an equally sized team of colleagues in India to deliver world-class pumps and integration with huge systems controlling water supplies in very large installations. We are also involved in all sorts of development activities, including early technology investigations, product concept definitions, implementing and delivering high quality solutions for the production. Moreover, we will take on a big role of developing a future platform by working with many new approaches to software development to reach our goal of continuous delivery – which includes several new tools and many new requirements for how we work every day. You refer to Department Head, Jan Vølker. ”We have a highly competent team with a result oriented attitude and we have fun each day. We are in daily contact with other Grundfos people around the world, and you can expect professional sparring, which, I am sure, will challenge you and take your knowledge within software to another level,” Jan explains. Hvad drejer jobbet sig om? Your role will be divided between architecture and software development. As Software Architect, you are responsible for developing and maintaining the software architecture across products, together with the team - but also in accordance with our overall reference architecture. Regarding the part of Software Development, you are part of creating new functionalities for all future products and are part of all phases in the development - from creating the requirements to implementing in C and the conducting the corresponding test cases to validate the implementation. In both roles, you participate in developing and maintaining a Grundfos Embedded Platform, covering both software and hardware and besides teamwork you collaborate with our colleagues at sites in Denmark, India and China, who focus on architecture for the entire platform. “The main focus for you in this position is on architecture. You are in charge of the architecture we use in the team. So it is a challenge to work on both implementing features and, at the same time, being able to guide colleagues in relation to the functionality of the architecture and how features can be implemented according to this,” Jan says. Hvad skal der til for at ansøge? You have an education as Engineer, Master of Science within software, Computer Scientist or similar combined with minimum 5 years of experience within embedded programming and creating software architecture for embedded platforms. Preferably, you have experience with Continuous Integration and Delivery, and it is a plus if you have experience with global development and agile methods like Scrum. You speak and write fluent English. “On a personal level, you take the lead and guide colleagues to ensure quality in their work. You work in a structured manner and thrive, working in a team where you at times challenge and will be challenged by experienced professionals,” Jan finishes.
Arbejdsgiver Navn: GRUNDFOS HOLDING A/S
Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 87501400
Job kort beskrivelse: Ingeniørarbejde inden for miljø
land: Danmark
region: Midtjylland
Kontrakt varighed: Fast
Kontrakttype: Fuldtid
krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet
Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark
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