Arbejde End User Computing Architect-150002ZP Midtjylland Vestas Wind System A/S - jobtilbud

stillingsbetegnelse: End User Computing Architect-150002ZP

We are looking for an experienced End User Computing Architect with focus on client/user devices in Global IT, Vestas. Global IT, Vestas Wind Systems A/S, Aarhus (DK) Vestas Global IT creates business value by providing world-class IT solutions. Global IT equips the Sales and Production units, as well as corporate Group functions, with dynamic solutions for executing Vestas' strategy and assuring real business value for our global customers and stakeholders. For Global IT to support Vestas’ strategy, it is crucial that we become more user oriented, and for that reason we have dedicated an entire department in the new organization to ‘User Productivity, Collaboration & Core Infrastructure. The User Productivity, Collaboration & Core Infrastructure (UPCCI) department ensures that business requirements and related solutions are appropriately designed, developed and optimized across their lifecycle. We take responsibility for our solutions and interact directly with both development and daily operations. UPCCI ensures continuous improvement and utilization of our environment in order to maximize value and reduce risk. The client/user area covers devices and OS supported by Global IT. Responsibilities As End user computing Architect you don't only have influence on the future solutions in Vestas - you are also designing, building and documenting them, and thereby making sure Vestas have the best possible future solutions. You will participate in defining strategies, laying budgets, executing the job and you will work with colleagues across domains to coordinate and utilize synergies. You understand that IT is a business driver and can demonstrate your enterprise and commercial view on IT. You will be working with the newest technology, and both your technical and people skills will be challenged every day. It is important that you can work across different organizations and on many organizational levels. As Architect lead for your area you will be responsible for: Designing and optimizing a global and complex landscape Ensuring optimal utilization of best practice Ensuring consistency and reuse of solutions by utilizing global standards and ensuring existence and quality of documentation Planning, building and deploying the solutions Updating UPCCI roadmaps Laying and keeping budget for your area Providing knowledge and expertise as consultants when needed Engaging with our vendors and deliver solutions in collaboration with them Qualifications: The ideal qualified candidate has the following qualifications and experience: Specialist skills in client/user device area At least 3 years´ experience with enterprise architecture Extensive experience working with End User Computing in a larger global company Solid understanding of the interaction between different technologies A thorough interest in and understanding of how IT is related and adds value to the business Fluent in English both orally and written Worked in a multi-vendor setup. Competencies: Moreover, your personality is of outmost importance. Thus, we add importance to the following personal competencies: Team spirit and desire to drive and lead change Being Visionary Thrives with tight deadlines and ambitious targets Ability to seek and deploy new knowledge regarding infrastructure solutions Desire to coach and guide others Team player with a global attitude Motivator with positive spirit What we offer: In this position you will be able to put your experience to the test. You will have the opportunity to help ensure quality and excellence within your department and across the organization. Join Vestas and you will cultivate your career in an inspiring environment at the world’s leading wind turbine manufacturer which has an ongoing dedication to sustainability. We value individual initiative, the desire to take on responsibility, and the right balance between creativity and quality in all solutions. At Vestas your success is our success. Additional info

Arbejdsgiver Navn: Vestas Wind System A/S

Arbejdsgiver telefonnummer: 97 30 00 00

Job kort beskrivelse: Systemanalytikerarbejde

land: Danmark

region: Midtjylland

Kontrakt varighed: Fast

Kontrakttype: Fuldtid

krævede uddannelse: Ikke angivet

Kilde til jobtilbud: AMS, Offentlige arbejdsformidlinger, Danmark


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